27- tears

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SK Hospital...

Irene looked glum and not in the mood for the whole three weeks looking after Lisa. She spends most of her time inside Lisa's room. She's not expecting her to wake up immediately but she wanted her to open her eyes as soon as possible.

"I miss you hon..." She whispered while sitting beside Lisa's bed. She held her hand and planted soft kisses.

She postponed the wedding for the second time due to the accident. Lisa's recovery is her priority for now while Marco is to bring the corp. back to its status.

Marco arranged for a close associate with businessmen to take control of the institute, his influenced skills made them approve him. The business firm that publishes newspaper articles, the head of the South Korea Intelligence Community, News desk, and other organizations went to help the financial problem and also to have the corresponding share to the Manoban Corporation.

And it threatens the mysterious company which Jisoo's handling. They knew how Marco managed his company, he is not that someone you want to mess with much more in businesses.

Irene didn't notice that someone entered the room, she just stayed caressing her cheeks using Lisa's hand while her eyes are closed.

"Irene" a whispered came from her back. She turned around and saw Wendy smiling at her sadly.

Irene forced a smile as she let go of Lisa's hand carefully and place it on her side. Wendy handed her the coffee which she immediately accepted. Both of them sat on the nearest chair as they watched Lisa's stomach moving up and down. The noise of the machines and Lisa's breathing are only heard inside the room.

"How is she?" Wendy asked softly

Irene sighed and shrugged, "no improvement, not even the slightest hint of her waking up." She replied, Wendy, pitied her when she noticed that Irene also became thin and her face was sleepless.

"Stay strong to the both of you, I know she'll wake up sooner or later," she said but it didn't comfort the older woman.

Irene tightened her grip on the cup and didn't take off her gaze from Lisa.

"I don't want to lose her" she whispered enough for Wendy to hear, she nodded and talk

"You're not going to lose her, Rene."

Irene just half-smiled and lowered her head, "I hope so...I know I only have her because of my wrong ways... and maybe someone is hating me right now for stealing her from her ex-wife, some even call me a homewrecker" she paused and suppressed a chuckle "Wendy, I never wanted to be a homewrecker, I knew it was wrong... but, what can I do? I'm so madly and deeply in love with Lisa that I can not live without her by my side. I'd rather die." her lips are trembling and her eyes swam with tears in an instant.

Wendy caresses her back as she looked fixedly at her.

"Don't say that, they know nothing Irene."

"But it was the truth" Irene cut her off and gaze at her painfully.

"It hurts to admit, but that's the truth! You don't have to comfort me with lies Wendy, I know you also see me as a bitch, a flirt, and a home--"

"Irene stop!" Wendy whispered loudly, her tears ran down to her cheeks. She brushed her cheeks and speak

"I never saw you like that! I'm your friend who you can call up at 4 a.m remember? I'm Wendy who gives you total freedom to be yourself."

She put aside her coffee and held Irene's hand.

"Even if the whole world walks out on you and every one turn their backs at you, always expect me to be there by your side. And even if everyone sees you as the villain, my thoughts won't change and always see you as a fragile thing that I must protect at all cost. Always."

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