48- Pt. B

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“Rosé you don't have to do this”

“It's my decision, Song Kang”

“I know but, you don't oblige anything so just--”

“I volunteered already. I think of it carefully”

“No you didn't!” Song exclaimed in frustration. He held her shoulders and face her

“Listen to me Roseanne, you weren't here when everything started. Stop getting yourself involve because you have no any obligation of what happened.
You're innocent, it doesn't make sense to me why, of all people it's you who wanted to give your heart” said Song and let out a sharp breath. He can't understand why Rosé suddenly thought of doing this.

“I know you just want to do good things and help Rubyjane, but God, not this way” He told while staring at her eyes in distress. Rosé lowered her gaze and stayed still.

“But I want to” She pushed

“Look Roseanne, I won't—WE will not let you decide such thing...” he said at the back of his throat. Rosé just heave a deep breath and tried to hold back her tears.

“Have you ever think about your parents? Ruby Jane and everyone? How can you decide something knowing that you will be leaving the people loving you so much...?

So please Roseanne, don't sacrifice your life just for the one's happiness. Even Ruby won't forgive herself if she lost a friend a like you”

It made the girl speechless. She didn't realize any of it because all she was thinking is that Lisa must survive. It hits what Song told her at the end. She indeed wants Jennie to be happy that she decided to sacrifice herself. She realize she became selfless and didn't consider what might they feel especially her parents. Rosé immediately wiped the tears before it falls from her cheeks. Song hardened his jaw and spoke

“If there's someone who's willing to offer it's life, it should be me.”

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