13- unexpected

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Lisa drove back home after the a-not-so-unexpected encounter with her ex-wife. Bam invited her to Infernal but she refused because she suddenly felt drained.

She just want to sleep because she's so worn out.

Marco was sitting in the living room, sipping his tea while swiping here and there to his ipod. Lisa just greeted his father and about to go to her room when Marco called her by her second name.

Lisa raise her eye brow upon hearing her Father. She doesn't like it when someone is calling her with that name. For her, she find it weird or maybe it's just too unique therefore she still don't appreciate it. Often times, Marco used that when he's mad or something serious they were going to talk about.
Lisa, for the first time of month heard her weird name and she already guess why.

As soon as she sat on the single sofa, Marco furiously put down the gadget in front of her. Lisa glance at the screen and saw their image. It's Jennie carrying her son while Lisa is standing in front of her. Lisa wasn't shock, she knew this would happen.

"Irene disappeared for a while and you flirt right away? And most of all! why this woman has to be your useless ex wife?!! Did you forget that you have a fiancé!?" The old man raised his voice, his nostrils flared because of anger but his only child don't seem to be bothered.

Lisa just crossed her legs while staring at the screen of his ipod.

"It's not like we get back together again." Lisa replied nonchalantly then she turned her gaze to his Dad's crumpled face.

"you didn't even think about what other people would say? What will Irene think?" Marco sneered and grab his ipod. His voice lowed but his tone is hard as fuck, Lisa uncrossed her legs and say

"Why bother? I didn't do anything wrong. They are the ones with the problem, being malicious and interfering with the lives of others as if they can build a house because of that." Lisa retorted annoyed, but his father snarled at her.

"You don't get it! I care about the image Pranpriya! Don't ruin our reputation again because of that trash!" Lisa can just avert her gaze away from her Father. There's no emotion showing in her face but deep inside her she wanted to slam the table. She just said she's tired but her father's yelling making it worst.

That fucking reputation! I thought you're angry because of what Irene will think but what you really care is still your reputation!

Lisa can't speak her thought so she just hummed, she stood up and turn her back on his father before they will end up arguing again.

"I hope you've learned your lesson Pranpriya. Don't let the same thing happen again." His Father's last words before Lisa completely exited their mansion.

She can't figure if it's a warning or she's threatening her but nonetheless, she couldn't care less.

For inexplicable reason, she was annoyed because of his father. Not because of the scolding and yelling but the real reason is Jennie was involved, once again.

It's strange for her. 2 years ago, she never cared even if they insult her ex wife face to face but...is it because Jennie returned?

Instead of laying in her bed she choose to hang out to the Infernal Club to cool off herself. Today's happening is too much for her. First, the meeting with those ungrateful subordinate of hers. Second, meeting her ex-wife's son that Lisa and Jennie almost had a misunderstanding in the middle of the crowd because of the red-haired girl 'almost' pissed her off and lastly is because of his father the great.

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