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"Daughter-in-law!" Marco's loud voice was heard in the kitchen where Lisa is currently sipping her black coffee.

She just continue to read the magazine she was holding. It's rare for Lisa to stay in the mansion and drink her coffee, she preferred doing it in her office but since her Father summoned her and leave her no choice but to come home.

Laterally, Lisa perceive the two different footsteps coming towards her direction. She pulled up her sleeve to peek at her rolex watch and it showed that it's already 4 PM. She put down the magazine and stand up when Irene and Marco walk in. As soon as Irene's eyes found her, she smiled widely and ran to her arms.

"Baby i miss you so much!" She said lovingly. Lisa lifted her one hand and wrapped it to Irene's waist.

"You're back?" She replied casually.

Lisa was expecting that Irene will stay there for three or more days, what made her come back all of a sudden without even informing her?

"Mm-hm, i just miss you. I can't stay away from you that long!" Irene whined and pulled away from her fiance. Lisa just smiled lightly

"Silly woman"

Irene was about to talk when Marco interrupted them by clearing his throat. He's already sitting on his chairman sit, yeah even in the dining.

"I know you miss each other, and even though how much i wanted to have a grandchild could you sit up first and we're gonna talk about your engagement." Marco said while staring at Irene which she immediately understood and beamed.

"Alright Dad!" She said happily and sat beside Lisa's chair while Lisa is still standing there, frowning.

"Engagement? Didn't we already talked about it?" Lisa asked. Marco just gestured her to sit. She sighed silently and sit back. Irene immediately cling her hand to Lisa's arm.

"We will hold the engagement ceremony as soon as Irene's parents came" marco began, he and irene exchanges glances who will speak

"Yes! Dad is right, actually i already informed them and they said maybe 23 of next month they'll arrive here" Irene added and stared at her fiance with her sparkling eyes.

Lisa nibbled her bottom lips, then she smiled "Really? Then which date do you have in mind honey?" Lisa asked her fiance in a gentle tone, it made Irene blush because it's rare for Lisa to call her in their endearment with that lovingly tone. Maybe Lisa is really loving her now more than Jennie.

Marco smirked while nodding his head, he's expecting his daughter to say something to oppose them but to his surprise, Lisa even asked the date.

"Hmm, it'll be the 25th of next month!"
Irene turned to Marco, signaling him to speak

"Okay, then we're all set for the 25th of next month!"

They look at Lisa in unison, waiting for her reaction.

Lisa suddenly doubted because they seemed rushing about the wedding but she shook her head and smile at her fiance

Lisa smiled showing her white teeth then blurted, "great!"

Irene and Marco both exhaled in relief, especially Irene.

Marco was about to speak and say that they need to celebrate but Lisa stood up while peeking to her watch.

"I think we're done? Then I have to go." She said casually and kissed her fiance on her cheeks, before they could even react Lisa quickly turned her back and leave.

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