39- Jennie

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I fiddled with my earring while staring at the distance. I just received a text from Taehyung, I remember that we scheduled to meet each other. Actually, it's to meet Mrs. Chitthip.

Flashback where Taehyung showed up...

"So,I heard about the divorce. What happened? I know I shouldn't ask since it happened a long time ago, it's just that you know we never contacted each other" Taehyung said and wiped his mouth with the table napkin.

I chuckled softly and drink a glass of water first. I know he will ask and it's fine besides it's not a big deal anymore. I can say it without feeling pain and discomfort, maybe I'm really over it.

"You know, no matter how consistent and happy your relationship is things like cheating will always be there. I caught her kissing another girl, and then she divorced me" I said casually and shrugged.

He frowned and looked at me confusedly

"Huh? You caught her cheating and she was the one who wanted to divorced you first?" He asked bulged eye

I nodded my head, "hm, I signed it anyway" I said and smiled

"Is she pretty? The girl you caught with her" he asked while grinning

I threw him the tissue and laugh

"She is" I mumbled and shook my head

Thinking about it, she's pretty but she chose to flirt a married woman.

"Of course she is, Lisa wouldn't cheat if she's not prettier than you" Taehyung said nonchalantly and eat his food

I glared at him and hissed.

"How could you say that to your sister?" I uttered offended by his words.

He held his finger up to his lips and then laugh

"I'm joking!"

I rolled my eyes at him and glance outside

"How are you doing then?"

"I'm much better now. Happier than ever" I answered not looking at him

"I'm thinking if did you even think of--"

"Revenge?" I cut him off.

He nodded his head and hummed. I snickered and peek at him briefly then look back outside.

"Of course I did, but I think it's normal to feel and think that way...  I just realized that the best revenge is not to make them suffer too, but to make improvements to yourself. To show them that you're more better off without them. I mean why would I waste my time to take my revenge when karma have my back?" I stated and smirked at him.

He remained silent and just stared at me

"You know Taehyung, people like them don't come at you for nothing. Just like us, they also have a mission. And that is to make us stronger. I don't know tho, I just became a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. It's more easy to accept everything if you believe that" I added remarkably. He cleared his throat and force a smile, I notice it but I just shrugged it away.

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