54- fix

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"How about this? Do you remember what happened here?" mom asked, showing a picture of me and her in Thailand. I'm like, 14 years old here if I'm not mistaken.

I sigh and shook my head as a no and she immediaty slapped her forehead, a loud slap sound was heard because of it. Seriously, my mom is overreacting too much. Just cause I can't remember some of my past she thinks I have a serious illness. The doctor says it's normal that i might forget some events that happened in my life due to the heart transplacement, i don't even worry about it too much since I'm aware that i don't have worth memories to remember.

"Mom, can we stop here? Didn't my doctor says it's not good to force me remember what i've forgotten?" I exclaimed dramatically as I push the picture away from my face.

She's about to disagree but Bobby at the back spoke while he's walking towards our direction.

"Lisa's right, Madam. We should let her remember it on her own, it's not good to force herself especially that she just discharged " He explained softly and wink at me, I smirked because he came at the right time.

Mom sighs in dismay, since she doesn't have any choice cause Bobby's definitely telling the truth. She put back the pictures in the box and place it on the table.

"Fine!" she said loudly and crossed her arms. Look at my mom, acting like a child.

"Anyway, what brings you here?" I asked raising my brows at Bobby.

After I discharged from the hospital, we come back to my mansion. MY, yep mine. Actually, I didn't know how Bobby did it, but he told me that the mansion was now titled with my name. I can't believe Marco didn't notice that everything he owns are being transferred to my name. Mom doesn't want me to stay here, she said we should live in another place so we can start anew but I keep telling her that it's not the place cause we definitely could if we really want to.

"Well uhm..."

I didn't understand what he said next when my eyes darted to the woman coming over behind him. She's staring at me until she stopped beside Bobby. I don't know if I'm just seeing things or her eyes really filled with different emotions right now?

"Jennie?" I mumbled confusedly,

As soon as mom turned around and saw her, she shriek so loud and rushes to hug her. I was just thinking if I should see her earlier but i didn't expect her to come on her own and now standing in front of me. Why is she looking at me like that though?

"How are you?" Jennie asks,

I haven't even decided my response yet when Mom answered her

"Goodness, her stubbornness is making it difficult!" mom exaggeratingly whines, it made Jennie puckered her brows and exchange her gaze to me

"What do you mean, Mrs. Manoban? Did something happened?" she asked in her worried tone, strangely, my mood lit up for the fact that she's worried but of course to have my mom being dramatic here somehow makes me in distraught.

"No- don't mind her. She's just overreacting, it's nothing to worry about" i interrupt while shaking my hand and smiled at her charmingly

"overreacting you say?!" mom exclaimed frowning at me, i kept my smile and just moved my brows up at Bobby signaling him to take mom somewhere for a while which he understood in a second.
He whispered something to her and later on, she hugged Jennie as a goodbye but when she look at me she give me daggers.

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