47-be okay

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Jisoo called and met Jennie on the hallway of the Hospital. She looked at her worriedly and hugged her tight.

“Gosh, I thought I will lose you! Are you okay?” Jisoo asked in her worried tone as she scanned Jennie's body from head to toe.

Jennie force a smile and nod her head lightly. Jisoo notice it so she hugged her again.

“Where's Xavi?”

“In his room, he fell asleep”

Jisoo puckered her eyebrows when Jennie curled her lips like she's resisting herself not to cry, she then turned to the room beside them. They can see Lisa laying on the bed unconsciously, with a lot of machines and tubes that was connected to her body.

Until now, Jennie was still shocked and can't believe that Lisa was shot three times because when they operated her they found the three bullets inside her. One to her abdomen and below her rib, the last bullet was shot in her chest that damaged her heart.  She endured it all just to save the two of them. It made Jennie feel miserable because she failed to do what Lisa's last words before she fell unconscious. Jennie cried the whole time until the operation ended and was done well even though Lisa almost gave up her life. Jennie keep thinking what if Lisa fought because she was expecting that her child survived? How can she face Lisa, who saved her and her son?

Even though she was confuse as to why Lisa chose to sacrifice her life, Irene's and their supposed daughter just to save her and Xavi. She actually expected Lisa to choose Irene but it goes the way around. Of course she's glad that she and xavi were safe, but she's unable to feel at ease knowing that her supposed daughter with Irene was gone. Add the fact that Lisa is still laying on that hospital bed and didn't wake up yet.


Jisoo and Jennie looked where the sound came from.

“Are you okay? Oh my God, my poor Jennie. I'm so sorry!”

The woman in her 50's stammered and caress Jennie's cheeks, looking at her in distress.

Jennie then remember what Tiffany told. Her expression dulled staring straight into her mother's eyes.
She wanted to confront her about everything but she was too tired and choose to be silent and let her mother touched her.

“You need to rest Jennie, let's go to your room” Her mother says and about to hold her hand but Jennie shook her head.

The mother knit her brows and glance at Jisoo in confusion. Jisoo just gave her a tight-lipped smile.

“Chu, tell her that I won't leave here” Jennie said firmly while her eyes are fixed with Lisa.

The woman frowned and exchanges her gaze towards Jennie and Jisoo.

“Chu? You're J-Jisoo? My eldest daughter?!” the mother exclaimed shocked, teary eyed.

It caught Jennie's attention so she gaped at her mom unbelievably.

How can she not recognized Jisoo? Tsk.

Jennie thought and turned back to Lisa.

Jisoo forced a smile and nod her head timidly. She was startled when her mother suddenly pulled her in her embrace tightly, and soon started crying loudly that caused the others to looked at their direction.

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