The Hat of Darkness

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He smiled, I am fake.
I don't give up, always upset.
I am not discouraged by authority and its superiority, I am disrespectful.
I fall, clueless.
I do well, I'm lucky.
Walk, annoying.
I breathe, my sin.
Extra kilos and kilos less, unstable the girl.
Cute or ugly, commanders never consider my behavior right.
The officers drool as if they had never seen women.
My skirt is short, the dean looks at my legs without fatigue.
Thousands of philosophies and the world is never described.

Road, always lost by life.
Alone, even with company.
Overwhelmed among thousands of inhabitants.
Immersed in the thoughts that consume me even in the worst corner.
He asked me when I will have a life that is mine and mine alone.


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