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The night slowly draws to an end and Killian hasn't stopped staring out the window of my office.

"Killian, mate, you've been standing there for twenty five minutes." I sigh.

"She needs help." I furrow my eyebrows at his words.

"I'm sure whoever you're looking at will be fine." I sigh, downing another scotch.

I watch Killian huff and then storm out of the office. I stand up from my seat and make my way over to the window to see where he's going.

I follow his trail and surprise, surprise, he's punching another guy in the face but this time I understand why when I see the beauty for the third time tonight standing next to Killian.

It's clear as day that she is crying and I clench my jaw. I continue to watch the chaos pan out in front of me until I see security dragging out the now unconscious man. With curious eyes I watch Killian turn to face the frightened woman that looks up at him with wide eyes.

She shakes her head at something he's said.

Fuck she looks so cute.

Then realisation hits me. Killian has never gone out of his way to help someone and now all of a sudden he's doing it now for the lady downstairs.

Has he taken something?!

My eyes widen when she takes his hand and then he begins to lead her up the spiral staircase towards my office.

"What the fuck?!" I freak out, rushing over to the mirror. I adjust my hair and tie just in time before the door flies open.

Killian walks in first, with the little lady trailing in behind him with wide eyes. She observes the space around her until her eyes land on me.

She jumps a little and pulls her hand out of Killian's slowly stepping back. Killian looks at me in confusion and I sigh.

She's scared.

"Sit." Killian demands and I wince at his tone and way of words.

I step in front of the girl, blocking Killian from her view.

"What's your name, darling?" I question her.

"Elodie." She whispers and I slowly nod my head.

"I'm Enzo. I would like to apologise for bumping into you earlier, you ran away before I could say sorry." She looks at me in surprise and I take a minute to observe her.

Now that we are up close I can see the dark freckles dotted across the bridge of her nose and cheeks. Her full lips are covered with gloss and I can't help but imagine them wrapped around my dick as her fucked her mouth.

I really need to stop. I don't even know the woman.

"Hello, Enzo." She says politely and I look over to my best friend who's eyes are glued to her.

"What happened down there?" I ask Elodie while pulling up a chair for her. She hesitantly sits down and begins to play with her fingers nervously. "Elodie." I say in a stern voice and her eyes shoot up to my own.

"Some man wouldn't leave me alone, so I kicked him in his balls but he didn't like that. He kept grabbing my arm tightly but then your friend came to save me." She shrugs and I raise my eyebrows, slowly nodding my head.

"Who are you with?" I question, slightly concerned that she keeps wondering around the place by herself.

"No-one." She smiles. "I came here by myself, I've got no friends." She shrugs her shoulders again.

"Fucking hell." I just about hear Killian mutter under his breath but I'm just in shock because she seems unfazed.

"You were crying. What upset you?"

"He said my dress was ugly." She whispers with wide eyes and my mouth falls open.

So she wasn't hurt or scared.

She was upset because someone insulted her dress attire.

I'm starting to think she might be a little crazy.

Cute but crazy.

"You looked scared when you bumped into me and when you walked into my office." I point out and she nods her head.

"You're big and intimidating." She looks my body up and down before averting her eyes away and back to me. "I should probably go home now, I'm tired." She yawns and stands up from the chair.

Killian tenses beside me.

"How are you getting home?" I cross my arms against my chest and stare down at the small girl.

"Walking." When she sees the shocked look on our faces she begins to laugh. "Joking! I'll just get a taxi. Thank you for saving me Mr....." She turns to Killian.


"Mr Killian." She goes to hug him but he takes a large step back. My heart cracks a little when I see a small pout etch onto her face.

"You don't like hugs?" She whispers, tilting her head.

"I don't like being touched." Killian mumbles and Elodie gives him a small nod.

"Oh okay, well thank you anyway." She beams up at him and he just nods his head. "Actually, do you know the owner of this place because I would like to make a complaint? I don't think I'll be coming back here again." I chuckle lightly as she puts her hands on her hips.

"You're looking at him, darling." This time her mouth falls open.


Oh indeed.

"What I meant is, you should probably get better security." She grimaces at her words and then looks towards the door. "Maybe I should take that as my cue to leave." She begins her walk to the door but Killian steps in her way.

She looks at me with wide eyes. "Enzo?" My dick twitches at the sound of my name coming out of her mouth and I hum. "Your friend is in my way." I smirk at how adorable she is.

"Killian." I nod my head, silently telling him to move out of her way. He clenches his jaw but steps to the side anyway.

"I guess we won't be seeing you again?" Elodie furrows her eyebrows at my words.

"What do you mean?"

"Well you did say you don't think you'll be coming back here again." I raise my eyebrows and give her a playful stare.

"Oh yeah." She whispers in realisation. "Bye!" She waves and walks out of the office, quietly closing the door behind her.

"She's a character." I breathe out and it's only now I realise how much my heart is racing.

"She's cute I guess." I look at my best friend with raised eyebrows.

"You were practically gawking at her, Killian." I tease and he glares at me.

"Shut the fuck up."

What do you guys think of Elodie? And thank you so much for 4,000 reads already🧡

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