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I find myself standing in the toilets feeling horny and flustered.

Those two men out there have none stop made me feel crazy. Killian wouldn't stop rubbing his hand up and down my thigh and occasionally I'd feel Enzo across from me trace his foot up and down my calf.

I had to take a break before I ended up fainting face first into my food. And what's worse is that the two sit there like they are not trying to make me go crazy.

After a couple minutes I take a deep breath and walk out of the toilet. I can see the two talking as I make my way back, they both give me a smile as I sit back down.

We finish our meal in a comfortable silence and as soon as I finish I release a satisfied sigh and rest back against my chair.

"Did you enjoy your food, darling?" Enzo smirks as I give him a small nod.

"You okay?" I look at Killian to see he is also smirking at me.

I look at them both with wide eyes.

"I'm fine." I soon answer but the ache between my legs is very much not.

They both look hot effortlessly and I've seen multiple women walk past our table, eyeing them up and down. Although they pay no attention to them-their eyes on me constantly.

However, the men's face contorts in anger when a man walks past our table, his eyes raking up and down my body- a small smirk on his face. He winks before turning his head to walk away.

I look over at Killian to see his jaw is clenched and his knuckles white from how harshly he is clutching onto his fork. A couple minutes later and the same man walks past again.

This time I smirk, 'accidentally' knocking my knife on the floor.

The man picks it up and hands it to me.

"You dropped this, beautiful." He smiles, placing the fork back onto the table.

"Oh, I didn't see." I smile back and he nods before walking away.

A hand grabs onto my thigh under the table and I jump when I make eye-contact with a very mad Killian. I look at Enzo to see his face is void of emotion.

I clench my thighs together.

"What game are you playing, baby?" Killian grits his teeth and stares at me with his intense brown eyes.

"I'm not playing any game, Kill." I pout and go to turn my head to see where the man has gone, trying to wind Killian up but he grabs hold of my face and turns me to face him again. "Don't fucking look at him."

I can't stop the grin that etches onto my face.

"Why are you acting like a brat, darling? Is there something you want, hmm?" This time Enzo questions me and I stare at him with lust-filled eyes.

I want them both and I don't know know how much longer I can wait.

"I want...I want you both." I mumble, suddenly feeling nervous. I look down at my lap to avoid looking them in the eyes.

"What was that, El? We couldn't hear you properly and look at us when we are talking to you." My eyes shoot up and I feel my face heating up.

"I want you both." I repeat a little more clearly and Killian raises his eyebrows, a small smirk still on his face as he leans back in his chair.

Enzo continues to observe me until he decides to speak up again.

"I guess we should get going then." He beckons the waiter over and quickly pays the bill before the two men stand up.

Killian holds his hand out for me to take and I smile, placing my hand in his warm one. Surprisingly, Enzo takes my other hand and we walk out of the restaurant.

Again I ignore the stares from other people as we walk by them. Tony is already outside waiting for us, I thank him as I slide into the middle of the back seats.

Enzo and Killian take a seat beside me. The partition is already rolled up and I begin to feel excited but nervous at the same time.

Enzo's arm sneaks around my shoulder and I moan when he leans down and begins to place soft kisses on my neck. Killian's hand lands on my thigh which I'm beginning to think is his favourite part to place his tanned, veiny hands.

I can't help but tilt my head to give Enzo better access to my neck.

Killian grabs hold of my face and smashes his lips on mine. I quietly moan into his mouth as his fingers slips inside me.

I can feel my body begin to heat up at the intimate act between the three of us but I want more. A small gasp escapes my lips when Enzo pulls me onto his lap.

This time he pulls me into a passionate kiss that sends electricity shooting through my veins. His kiss is a lot more gentle than Killian's which makes me wonder how different the two will be in the bedroom.

Before I know it we are pulling up outside the house. I jump off Enzo's lap just before Tony opens the door for us. I give him a small smile before following Killian up the stairs to the front door.

As soon as we are all inside Enzo picks me up, making me wrap my legs around his waist. I look down at him in shock.

"Are you sure this is what you want, baby?" He questions, tilting his head and I don't hesitate to nod mine.

"Words, El." Killian says sternly and I tighten my legs around Enzo's waist.

"Yes. I want you both."

Enzo slowly nods his head and begins to walk up the stairs.

I lean my head against his shoulder and look at Killian that walks up behind us. He gives me a wink, making my stomach warm.

Once we reach the familiar doors, Enzo places me on my feet.

"You understand that we won't go easy on you, darling. If you need to stop you need to use your safe word otherwise we won't stop."

"Yes Enzo." I agree, beginning to feel excited.

Something tells me this is going to be the best night of my life.

Hii guys, I made an Instagram account if you want to go and follow. I'm hoping soon, when I'm ready, to go live so I can interact with you guys and you can get to know me better 🧡

 I'm hoping soon, when I'm ready, to go live so I can interact with you guys and you can get to know me better 🧡

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