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"You're up early." My head shoots up when I see Killian walk into the kitchen. He walks over to the kettle, filling it up with water before switching it on.

"Well I got two hours." I shrug and those two hours were being cuddled up to the girl upstairs who is still fast asleep.

"You should really go see a doctor about that." Killian recommends but I shake my head. He sighs and makes two cups of coffee.

As soon as he's done making them, he walks over and places one of the white mugs in front of me.

"Thanks." He nods and takes a seat opposite me. "We need to talk about Elodie." Killian sighs at my words, knowing where this is going.

"What about her?" My best friend avoids eye contact with me, deciding to keep his attention on the coffee in his cup.

"She perfect for us, Killian. You can't deny that." I lean forward, resting my forearms on the island table. He stays silent so I continue to speak. "I know you agree with me. Why are you holding back?"

"We barely know her and plus she might not even want to be a part of our lifestyle." Killian speaks out and I clench my jaw.

"I held her last night and I woke up to her wrapped around me and it just felt right. You can't deny the fact that she's a submissive without even trying." I try my best to get him to see that Elodie is perfect for us.

"She's cute but we don't know her well enough, Enzo." Killian runs his hands up and down his face.

"Then we get to know her! Why are you holding back? This is the first time we've met someone who could be perfect for us-we've been searching for the right girl for years!" I exclaim.

"We've know her for four days and you already think she's the one." Killian scoffs and I roll my eyes.

"Fine. Tell her to leave them." I throw my arms up in the air and he tenses.

"What?" He furrows his eyebrows.

"Go wake her up and tell her to leave." I point to the stairway.

"What? No!" He crosses his arms over his chest and looks at me like I'm crazy. "She needs sleep." And I smirk.

He doesn't even notice.

He's putting on a front and I can see right through him.

"What happened to her anyway?" Killian quickly changes the subject and I tell him about how she lives on the rough part of town and how her house was robbed. As I explain the situation I watch his body tense and his fists clench.

"Give her a chance, Killian. I can tell she hasn't had the easiest life." I plead with him and he sighs before nodding his head just as the sweet angel walks in.

"Morning, darling." I grin and watch as she shuffles in. Her curly hair falls out of her messy bun and her pyjamas are crooked, I can see toothpaste round her mouth and chuckle. "Someone's not a morning person." I smirk at her and she shrugs, climbing up onto the stool.

"Good morning, Enzo." She mumbles, looking ready to fall asleep. "Morning, Mr Killian." I watch her head begin to fall forward and I shoot forward gently putting my hand on her forehead to stop her from hitting her head on the marble table.

I furrow my eyebrows when I feel her temperature is quite high.

"How are you feeling, darling?" I question her and she groans in response. "Words, Elodie."

"My head hurts a little." She whispers and I instantly hear Killian go to retrieve a bottle of water for her.

He hands it to me and I open the lid and hold it out for her to take.

As soon as she's done I take the bottle, screwing the cap on before placing it down. "Let's get you something to eat and then you can have some ibuprofen, that will help with your headache. Is that okay, darling?" I question, stroking her back and she nods her head.

I look over at Killian who has already begun to make her food. I gently shake my head.


"Shipment should be in soon, boss." Gabriel tells me as we sit in my office. I nod my head. "Wheres Killian?"

"At home. He's looking after something." Someone more like.

"Right. Is he in a better mood?" Gabriel chuckles and I smirk.

"He will be Gabriel." Just as I say that I get a message from Killian.

K- She's a disobedient brat.

I raise my eyebrows at his message.

E- What's happened?

K- She's trying to leave. She's saying she's overstayed her welcome and I'm telling her to stay but she's still packing her things away.

I tense.

"Gabriel, give me a minute." He nods his head and makes his way out of my office.

I instantly dial Killian's number and he answers straight away.

"Put her on the phone."

I hear him shuffle around and a minute later Elodie's soft voice enters my ears.

"Darling, why am I being told that you are leaving?" I question her straight away.

"I feel bad. I-I don't like to overstay my welcome and I'm sure it will be okay to go back to my home." She stutters and I slowly close my eyes.

"I told you that you are more than welcome to stay. You are a lot safer with us at our home than you are at yours. So unpack those bags, do you understand, darling?" I question sternly.

"Yes, Enzo. I'm sorry." She whispers.

"It's okay, darling. We'll talk when I get back, okay?"


"Good girl. I'll see you later, Elodie." I say.

"Bye, Enzo." She then hangs up and I release a small breath, leaning back against my chair.

She's gonna be the death of me.


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