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"Enzo, can you plait my hair?" Elodie turns her head from the tv to look at me.

She got out the shower around half an hour ago but is still sat in her towel as she got distracted by some tv show.

"Come here, baby." I pat the space in front of me and she happily sits in between my legs as I begin to plait her wet curly hair.

"When we die, do you think we'll meet in the afterlife?" I'm thrown by her question, my eyes widening.

"I'd hope so, darling." I whisper.

"So we could all be together forever." She beams and I smile gently.

I'm so fucking in love with this woman.

"Okay but let's live in the moment, baby. You're not dying anytime soon."


"The next forty-eight hours is going to be crucial. The condition that Miss May is in is very life threatening." I run a stressful hand down my face.

My eyes begin to sting with tears and I release a shaky breath.

"Can I see her?" I question.

"Not at the moment. We'll be keeping a close eye on her. I'm really sorry, Mr García." The doctor nods before leaving the waiting room.

I then look at Killian and my face hardens. He's sat on a chair, his head hung low and his knee bouncing up and down.

"You better pray that she wakes up, Killian, or so God help me I will fucking murder you." I grit my teeth and his head shoots up and he looks at me with bloodshot eyes. "You ignored every single one of my messages, including the one I had sent Elodie."

"Enzo, please." He whispers stressfully. "I'm blaming myself trust me."

"She could die! Our girl could fucking die!" I exclaim, throwing my hands up.

"I know! Fuck I know, Enzo!" He shouts and then storms out of the waiting room, slamming the door harshly behind him.

I sit down and hold my head in my hands.

This is not fucking good.

I don't know what I'll do if lose that girl.


"Enzo, tell Killian to stop pestering me." Elodie huffs as she does some baking.

I watch in amusement as I sit at the kitchen island. Killian keeps going to take the chocolate chips that she has for the cookies.

"I'm going to hit you." She threatens but the sweet smile is still on her face.

"No you won't, baby. I just want one chocolate chip." He whines and I roll my eyes.

Sometimes I wonder if my best friend is actually a twenty-seven year old man because he can be a literal man child.

Our girl finishes her baking and I just admire her as she sways her hips to the music playing in the background.

She's so fucking beautiful.

"Enzo, I can feel you staring at me." She says with her back still towards me and my eyes widen.

"I'm admiring, darling."


My phone pulls me out of my daydream and I answer it straight away.

"We've got her." I'm up straight away. I hang up the phone and make my way out.

"Anything happens to her, you call me straight away." I tell the doctor and he nods his head, looking up at me in fear as I glare down at him.

I then walk out of the hospital but stop when I see Killian sat on a bench with his head in his hands and a cigarette in between his fingers.

I scoff and make my way to my car.


The club is closed and it will be for a very long time.

But the sound of a tortuous scream fills my ears and a smirk etches onto my face.

Katie is tied to a chair in the middle of the club.

"Just kill me already." She cries as blood streams down her nose.

Gabriel yanks her head back and I slowly make my way towards her.

"Why'd you do it?" I hiss and she releases a small scoff.

"Where is Killian? I want him here not you." My jaw clenches and I grab hold tightly on to her face.

"Shut the fuck up! Why the fuck did you try and kill our girl?!" I shout and then aggressively let go of her face. "I'll tell you why, because you're a psychotic little bitch and I know, Katie, that you have no interest in me but when are you going to get it through your thick skull that Killian doesn't want you?!"

"You both don't want me, so I took the one thing you both wanted. It hurts doesn't it, having something you love ripped away from you." She raises her eyebrows and I hold my hand out for Gabriel to place my gun into my grasp.

"You're pathetic, Katie. Pissed off because Killian and I were incapable of loving you. You signed a contract, you knew what you were getting yourself into, so stop giving me this bullshit." I whisper harshly.

"Why didn't she get a contract?! You know what, Enzo, I'm glad she's dead and I hope yourself and Killian live in misery. Should of killed me when you had the chance." A smirk etches onto her face.

"My girl is still alive." Her face falls. "Rot in hell, Katie." I raise the gun and shoot her right in the head. "Clean this up, Gabriel and make sure this bitch hasn't done anything that will put my family in more danger."


I tiredly walk back into the hospital, after going home and having a quick shower and getting into a change of clothes.

I walk into the waiting room and see Killian sat in the corner. His head resting against the wall as he sleeps.

I sit away from him.

It's just a waiting game now.

After twenty minutes the doctor walks in and I stand up straight away.

"Elodie is in a coma but you will be able to see her now." He explains and I nod my head, thanking him.

I leave Killian in the room and go to Elodie's room.

As soon as I open the door my heart cracks and a sob escapes my lips.

"My baby." I whisper as I stare at her body which is covered in tubes.

Her chest moves up and down so slowly and her usual golden brown skin is now dull.

She's lifeless.

She could still die.

I pull a seat close to her bed and grab hold of her hand.

"I love you so much, darling." I say, stroking her cheek with my other hand. "I promise when you wake up you can have all the cuddles that you want. You can have whatever you want." I bite my trembling lip.

"Just please wake up. Please." I sniffle and rest my head down against hers.

Then her hand tightens a slightly around mine.

Thank you for 700,000 reads and stop threatening me lmaooo🧡

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