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My girl lays on my chest fast asleep and I sigh, looking up at the ceiling. I look back down at the angel and smile.

She is literally my life. I don't know what I would do without her.

Enzo walks into the bedroom and looks at the two of us.

"She's still asleep? It's nearly the afternoon." He whispers and I shrug, not wanting to wake her up if she's still tired. Enzo leans down to kiss her on the forehead and then tells me that he's going to the club.

Elodie begins to stir awake and I smile.

"Killian." She croaks and I hum, stroking her back.

"I'm here, baby." I whisper and her eyes open.

After a few minutes of her being awake she gets up from the bed and begins to rush around. I watch with wide eyes as she goes into the bathroom and begins to have a shower.

Without me!

Eventually she emerges from the bathroom and throws her clothes on and then her shoes.

What the hell is she doing?

"I'm off out." She says and then leaves the bathroom.

I look at her retreating body in shock.

I jump up from the bed and rush after her.


The front door slams shut and I run a stressful hand through my hair. I open the door and look around the driveway but she's already gone — how the hell was she so fast and where the fuck has she gone?

Now I begin to panic.

I walk back into the house and call her but my jaw clenches when I hear her phone begin to ring. She's fucking left her phone here.

I hear a giggle behind me and see Elodie crouched over, probably laughing at my stressed state.

"You think this is funny?" I raise my eyebrows, trying to hold back my smile at how cute she looks. "Baby, you scared the shit out of me!"

"I'm going to visit the orphanage I lived in. Do you want to come?" She questions and I nod my head.

I will literally do whatever this girl wants to do.

This time I'm the one rushing around getting ready as Elodie waits for me in the living room. I scramble to get my shoes on and my girl watches in amusement as I trip over air.

"Shut up." I playfully roll my eyes and she scoffs, hitting me on the side of my head. "Hey!"

"Come on, Killian!"


"It never used to be like this when I lived here." Elodie whispers as we look at the renovated building. She holds the box of cookies that she got for the children close to her chest as she looks on with wide eyes. "I hope they are all treated well."

My heart aches for my girl, knowing she had a rough time here.

We walk through the entrance and are greeted by a kind looking old woman.

I know she's not Mrs Brown, considering the old hag is now dead.

"I-I brought some cookies for the kids here." Elodie whispers kindly and I wrap my arm around her waist. The old lady looks at me with wide eyes and then at Elodie.

We probably look like an odd couple to her.

I couldn't give a shit.

"That is very lovely of you." The woman smiles, taking the box from Elodie's hands.

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