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•TW-Rape/sexual assault•


"She okay?" Killian questions me straight away as I walk into the kitchen.

"She's fine. She's taking a nap." Killian slowly nods his head and sighs.

"It's my fault that all this happened. I left her alone for too long in a place she was unfamiliar with and she goes and gets hurt. I dunno if this is a good idea, Enzo." He whispers and I give my best friend a small smile.

"Don't think like that, Killian. She's not upset with you." I reassure him.

"She should be! She's not even with us yet and I've shouted at her, not realising that someone hurt her. It's angered me so much, Enzo." He grits his teeth.

"Killian, stop overthinking about it." I tell him and watch as he clenches his jaw but nods his head anyway.

"That girl is already invading my mind. Like how is she fucking doing that?!" He throws his arms up in the air and looks at me with wide eyes. "We've been searching all these years and then she just magically appears." I chuckle at his words.

"I think we should talk with her later about her possibly being our submissive. Obviously we don't want to overwhelm her so we'll just explain and let her decide." Killian nods his head at my suggestion. "What did you do with Hack by the way?"

A smirk etches onto his face. "Shot him in his knees." My eyes widen.

I can't even be mad because he did it for the right reason.

"Fair enough." I pat his shoulder and begin to make Elodie some food for when she wakes up.

"Enzo?" I turn to face Killian and raise my eyebrows. "What if she says no?"

"Then we let her go. Simple." He looks away from me and goes back to staring at the wall, a longing look on his face.

I can tell he is overthinking as usual. He knows deep down that Elodie could be the one and now he fears rejection. He's basically been rejected by everyone but me his whole life.

"Let her go?" He furrows his eyebrows.

"Yes, Killian. We can't keep her here against her will, that would be kidnapping." I sigh at my best friend.

He mumbles something under his breath before storming out of the kitchen.

After a couple hours I finish making Elodie's dinner and then go to wake her up from her nap but I jump a little when I see her standing at the doorway, rubbing her eyes.

"Jesus, you scared me." I whisper and she gives me a shy smile, playing with her fingers.

"Sorry, Enzo." I nod my head, beckoning her over and watch as she slowly shuffles towards me until she is stood in front of me.

I tilt her chin up with my finger and smile down at the little beauty. "You had a good nap?" I chuckle lightly, looking into her sleepy eyes. She smiles gently and nods her head.

"The bed is so comfy, I didn't want to get out of it." She tells me and I smirk. "Where is Killian?" She looks around the kitchen for him and pouts when she doesn't see him.

"He's around. We all need to have a talk." Her face drops at my words and I instantly panic. "What is it?"

"D-Do you want me to leave? I-Is that what you want to talk to me about?" She whispers and my eyes widen.

"Darling, no!" I shake my head. "We don't want you to leave, it's nothing bad." I reassure her and she releases a small breath and nods her head.

"Okay. Sorry for jumping to conclusions, Enzo." She smiles and then takes a seat at the dining table.

I dish her plate high up with food and then place it in front of her. She grins down at the rice dish and looks back up at me.

"This looks delicious, thank you." She says politely and I find myself skimming my fingers along her arms gently and nod my head. She takes a bite and then a satisfied grin etches onto her face.

"I'm glad you like it, darling." I take a seat next to her and watch her tuck in. As soon as I know she's comfortable I begin to check some emails on my laptop and wait for her to finish her food.

After around five minutes Killian walks in, his attention moving straight to the young woman next to me.

"Hello, Killian." Elodie says, after swallowing her food. He eyes her plate and then looks back at her, staying silent. "Would you like some?" She moves her plate forward a little as he takes a seat across from her.

Killian shakes his head.

Elodie frowns at his silence. "I'm not upset with you, Killian. Is that why you're not talking to me?" Killian's face softens.

"No, baby. I'm just-I'm just not pleased with the way I treated you earlier on." He admits to her.

"I wish I could give you a hug but you don't like to be touched, so I'll give you an air hug." I chuckle when she opens up her arms and then watch as Killian tries to copy her gesture but he just ends up looking like a big, awkward giant. Elodie giggles and the sound makes my heart jump in glee.

She's so fucking cute.

Killian throws me a glare, silently telling me to shut the fuck up. Another laugh escapes my lips when I see his cheeks tint red when he realises he just gave an air hug.

"You forgive me?" Killian questions, needing reassurance like he usually does and a sigh of relief escapes his lips when Elodie nods her head and then goes back to eating.

I place my hand on her bare thigh and watch her jump. I feel the goosebumps rise on her skin and she turns to look at me with her wide, brown eyes.

"Have you ever been touched before?" I question and she drops her fork.

"Sexually?" She whispers and I nod my head. "No, I haven't." I hear Killian suck in a harsh breath and my hand tightens on her thigh.

"Never?" Killian asks, sounding shocked.

"Well not willingly." My heart freezes and my blood begins to boil. I clench my eyes shut when I realise what she has just implied.

"Baby....Fuck! What do you mean not willingly?" Killian growls out and a whimper escapes Elodie's mouth.

"N-Nothing. Please forget I said anything." She blurts out, her eyes watering.

It's very clear that the poor girl has been sexually assaulted in the past. I look over at Killian who is struggling to compose himself.

"Who hurt you, baby?" He grits his teeth.

"Killian." I warn, trying to keep my own anger at bay. He releases a shaky breath and I slowly close my eyes when he gets up from his chair and storms out the kitchen-the front door slamming shut a couple minutes later.

I stroke Elodie's back, trying to comfort her the best I can. To my surprise she whimpers and throws herself onto my lap, wrapping her arms around me.

"It's okay, darling. It will be okay." I whisper.

Because as soon as I find the fucker that hurt her I will make sure I watch his last breath escape his lips.

I swear, I'm always seeing someone arguing with someone else in my comment sections 😵🤣ANYWAY hope you enjoyed 🧡

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