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I knew I'd be addicted the second I tasted her sweet little pussy.

But I could see the disappointment in Elodie's face when I left the room after she had settled in with Enzo. I wanted to rush back in the room and hold her but I couldn't.

It's now the following afternoon and I'm sat in the kitchen with a mug of coffee sat in front of me. A couple minutes later, Enzo walks in freshly showered and clad in a fresh suit.

"How is Elodie?" I tilt my head and he sighs.

"She got a little upset after you left last night but I managed to calm her down. I thought I'd let her sleep in." He sighs and starts to make himself a drink.

I nod my head, instantly feeling guilty.

"I did tell her that you're reserved and that you would of stayed if you could." Enzo continues to explain but all that runs through my mind is Elodie crying because of me.

I bounce my leg anxiously.

"She deserves better. I don't think I can give her what she needs and wants." I rub my face in frustration. "She already probably hates me."

"Don't be ridiculous, Killian. She doesn't hate you, in fact, she would probably be over the moon if you woke her up." I stand up instantly and make my way up the stairs and towards the bedroom.

I'll do anything to make sure she's not upset with me.

I open the door and quietly step into the room. My heart skips a beat when I see my little angel sleeping on her back in the centre of the California king bed.

I walk over to the bed and take a seat on the edge of the mattress and reach forward to stroke her soft cheek. I can't help but chuckle at her messy bed hair.

"Baby." I say gently and watch as she stirs awake.

"Killian?" She furrows her eyebrows, her eyes still glued shut as she stretches her arms.

"Yes it's Killian." Her eyes fly open and she shuffles away from me, making my heart crack into a million pieces.

I was not expecting that reaction.

"Are you annoyed with me?" She whispers and I instantly shake my head.

"I'm not mad at you. Why would you think that?" I tilt my head and watch her gulp. 

"Enzo said that you weren't mad at me but you didn't stay with me last night and you didn't say goodnight- you just walked out. I thought you were mad." She shrugs and I bite my lip.

"I don't think I could ever be mad at you, baby." I smirk and a small smile etches onto her face.

"Sometimes I just want to give you a big hug because I feel like you need one." She tilts her head at me and I stay silent. "You haven't really been shown much affection, have you?" 

I shake my head at her question and she pouts.

"Neither was I but now it's all I want." She whispers, looking down at her lap and I gulp, looking away. "Would you let me hug you? Even if it was just for a small second." My body tenses and I look at her with alert eyes.

Her eyes hold so much hope and deep down I would love her affection.

"You don't have to say yes if it makes you uncomfortable, Killian."

"Okay." I whisper.

"Is that a yes to a hug?" She whispers in excitement and I chuckle, giving her a small nod. "Okay, so how do you want to do this?" She rushes out and I stand up from the bed and open my arms up for her.

Elodie doesn't hesitate to jump off of the bed. She looks up at me first before wrapping her arms around my waist. I tense at the foreign feeling and then slowly wrap my arms around her perfect body.

"I'll work on the affection stuff- only for you though." I tell her and she nods her head against my chest. "This is....This is nice." I run my fingers through her hair and hear her release a sigh of relief.

"I'd like to think I'm a great hugger." She giggles and I can't stop the huge smile from forming on my face.

She's so fucking adorable.

"You sure are, baby." After a couple minutes I'm the first to pull away. I don't miss the look of disappointment on her face as I do so but she soon smiles anyway. "Thank you." I reach forward and stroke her cheek.

"You're like a big, cuddly teddy bear covered in tattoos." She beams up at me and I raise my eyebrows in amusement.

"I guess I'll take that as a compliment, since it's from you, El." I chuckle, shaking my head lightly. "Now go and get ready, I'm taking you out for lunch."


"Yes baby, it's the afternoon. You've been asleep for quite some time, my tongue must of really tired you out. Hmm?" She looks away and smiles.

She'll want it again soon.


"Baby, it's not that difficult to find something on the menu." I stare ahead at Elodie who looks at the menu with furrowed eyebrows.

"It's too fancy, Killian. I don't understand it." She whines.

"It's Italian, baby. That's why." I chuckle.

It's just Elodie and I this afternoon. Enzo was busy with work and he thought it would be the best time for Elodie and I to spend some time together. Especially after she thought I was upset with her.

"Can you just choose for me? Anything that doesn't have mushrooms." She then takes a sip from her drink and looks around the posh restaurant.

As soon as our order has been taken I enjoy the comfortable silence with Elodie. She knows I don't like to talk much.

I'm surprised she likes my awkward self.

Once our food arrives I watch Elodie tuck in and have to scold her for eating too fast-to which she gives me one of her small pouts.

I observe the people around us and my body freezes when I make eye contact with someone.

A certain someone I want dead.

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