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"You guys look so funny!" I giggle as Killian and Enzo walk in with their pink pyjama bottoms on.

"What? You don't like them?" Enzo smirks and I smile.

"You look amazing!" I clap my hands in excitement. "Now what do we do?" I question and the two of them frown-Killian scratching the back of his neck.

"I'll Google it." He soon pulls out his phone and I guess begins to Google what to do at a slumber party. "Sooo...It's says here that you watch movies, eat, have pillow fights and then have sex." My eyes widen at the last activity.

Killian has a large smirk on his face and Enzo rolls his eyes.

"People have sex at slumber parties?" I frown in confusion.



"But we can at our slumber party."

"Killian, shut the fuck up! This was meant to be about Elodie, not your sexual desires." Enzo shakes his head and I wrap my arms around his waist, resting my head comfortably on his chest while Killian continues to read out what people do at slumber parties.

"Let's go to the movie room." Killian causally says, grabbing my hand but my eyes widen in shock.

"You have a home cinema?" I whisper in shock. "That is so cool!" I happily let Killian lead me to their home cinema with Enzo grabbing my other hand.

As soon as we get into the room I smile gently when I see how they've set everything up with loads of blankets and pillows.

"It's funny because we've never actually used this room until now." Enzo tells me and I look at him like he's crazy.

"Would you like to swap homes? I don't think you guys need this house as much as you make out." I joke and he chuckles, leaning down to kiss my forehead.

"This is your home." He whispers before pulling back and I look up at him, my mouth slightly open. "Close your mouth, baby, before I put something in there that I know you'd love." He winks and I playfully roll my eyes.

"Enzo, you're both so silly!" I hit him lightly round the head and he begins to laugh.

I watch as Killian puts on the massive tv screen and watch something called Netflix come up on the screen.

"What's that?" I question, tilting my head and the two men's head whips to mine.

"What. Do. You. Mean. What's. That?!" Killian stares at me in shock. "It's Netflix, baby."

"I don't know what that is, Killian." I whisper and look down at my hands.

Great now they think I'm weird.

"It's a streaming site for movies ands shows. What's your favourite movie and I'll see if they have it on here?" Oh crap.

I look away in embarrassment.

"Darling, what's your favourite movie?" Enzo gently grabs hold of my face and lifts it up to look at him. I bite my lip and he furrows his eyebrows. "Talk to me." He whispers gently.

"I-I've never watched a movie. I never really had a tv, even in my old house a-and Mrs Brown wouldn't let me watch tv with the other children." I whisper, my eyes beginning to water and Enzo's jaw clenches.

"Do you know if she's still alive?" I furrow my eyebrows at his question.

"I have no idea. Why?" He shakes his head.

"Nothing. Come and sit." He points to the blankets and I smile, nodding my head. "Fuck you look so good in those pyjamas." Enzo groans behind me and I turn my head to see him staring at my bum.

I wiggle it and he smirks. I plop down onto the pillows and then turn on my back to look up and see Killian and Enzo staring down at me in amusement.

"Come join me." I beam and they smile and take a seat on either side of me. I sit up, cross-legged. Killian begins to scroll through the films and I become intrigued by a movie called 'Clueless'. "That one."

Killian freezes on it and a small groan escapes his lips.


"Don't worry, we can watch something else." I give him a reassuring smile but Enzo decides to hit him, quite harshly, in the back of his head. "Enzo!"

"If you want to watch Clueless then we will watch it, forget what that idiot thinks." Enzo strokes my cheek and I nod my head, resting it against his shoulder.

"Have you got popcorn?" Killian rushes up and retrieves a massive bag of popcorn.

"We got mixed, is that okay?" I nod my head and dive my hand into the packet, grabbing a handful of popcorn.

Killian plays the movie and I squeal in excitement.


"That was really good." I whisper and release a small yawn. During the film, Enzo had given me a blanket but what the two men don't know is that I took my top off because I was getting hot.

Now I'm too worried to lift the blanket off my body.

"Can I pick the film now?" Killian whines like a child and I giggle, nodding my head. "Yes!" He whispers and puts on a film called Iron Man.

"Let me get under the covers with you, darling." Enzo says but I keep the covers clutched tightly to my chest. "Come on, Elodie."

I lose grip of the blanket and Enzo pulls it down to reveal the top half of my body. Thank God I kept my bra on.

His eyes fall to my chest and to my surprise his cheeks go a light shade of red.

Enzo is blushing?!

"Why aren't you guys wat-" I turn my head and see Killian with his mouth wide open and his eyes also on my cleavage.

"Stop!" I quickly cover myself. "I got hot."

"Let me under the covers as well."

"Killian!" I moan when he rips the covers away and pulls the cup of my bra down before latching his lips onto my nipple. "People d-don't have sex at slumber parties." I whisper breathlessly.

"Well they do now."

"Enzo, you were against this as well!" He also ignores me and begins to place kisses along my neck-his hand trailing down my shorts.

I moan again when he begins to rub me over my lace underwear.

"Baby girl?"

"Mmm?" I moan, my eyes fluttering shut.

"We want to fuck you at the same time?" My eyes fly open.

Oh shoot.


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