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One week later

My knee bounces nervously as I watch over Elodie. I really can't remember the last time I had a decent night sleep but I don't deserve rest — not when I've done this to her.

Enzo hasn't said much to me and I don't blame him when Elodie's life is on the line.

I should of listened to her.

"Morning, baby." I whisper, stroking the top of her head.

They removed the tubes from her mouth a couple days ago. She's strong enough to breathe on her own.

To me she's just in a deep sleep.

She loves to sleep.

I smile gently and grab hold of her hand and place a small kiss on the back of it.

"I-I bought you some flowers again." I place the bunch of roses on her bed and smile but it falls instantly when Enzo walks in.

I watch as he begins to fluff her pillow and re-plait her hair. He moves my flowers to the side and I huff.

"Are you going to keep ignoring me? You know Elodie wouldn't want this." I say and Enzo pauses his movements and looks at me with raised eyes.

"Well you ignored Elodie when she told you she wanted to go home." I slowly close my eyes and take a deep breath. "Maybe if you listened to her she wouldn't be in this fucking state!" He hisses and I bite my lip looking away from him.

"I've said I'm sorry."

"Yeah, well your sorry doesn't mean shit to me." He then kisses Elodie on the forehead before storming out of the room.

My eyes begin to water but I quickly blink them away, trying to compose myself the best I can. I get up to leave but my heart stutters when Elodie's hand tightens around mine.

"Baby?" I utter in shock and my breath hitches as she begins to stir, her face contorting in what looks to be pain. "Elodie, baby." I gently stroke her face and her eyes flutter open. She squints them due to the harsh light but when they've adjusted she looks at me with wide eyes.

"Killy?" She whimpers and my heart clenches and my eyes water.

"I'm here, baby. I'm so, so sorry." I croak as she begins to cry. "Please forgive me, I should of listened, I-I should of listened to you." I can't control the tears that begin to fall down my cheeks as the guilt consumes me.

"Killian." She whispers and reaches out for me but I step back.

"I really don't deserve you, baby." I clutch hold of my hair. "You could of died!" The door flies open — a wide eyed Enzo looking around.

"The fuck are you doing?" He questions.

"Enzo." Elodie's small voice sounds through the room and I watch as Enzo freezes and looks at her. "My sweet girl." He rushes over to her and gently grabs hold of her face, placing a light kiss on her cheeks.

He then calls for a doctor who comes in seconds after, checking the condition that Elodie is in now that she's awake.

Elodie keeps her eyes on me and my heart stops when she smiles gently at me.

Why is she smiling at me?

She could of died because of me.

Her smile falls when she sees me making my way to the exit.

I don't deserve her.



"How are you feeling, darling?" Enzo smiles gently and I smile back, leaning into his warm touch.

I can't believe I was in a coma for over a week! The two men must of been worrying so much.

"My stomach hurts but at least I'm alive I guess." I laugh lightly but stop when I realise Enzo doesn't find it funny. "Why did Killian leave?" My eyes widen when Enzo completely disregards my question, his face morphing into disgust at the mention of his best friend.

"It's his fault you're in here." I furrow my eyebrows.

"W-What?! No it's not. We were shot at by these people, it was never Killian's fault. Has he been blaming himself?!" My heart breaks for the man.

"He ignored my messages, he should of brought you home straight away that day but he didn't. Killian put your life at risk, Elodie. Don't argue with me on this." I frown.

"Killian wasn't the one that shot me! I want to see him." I demand and Enzo releases a stressful sigh. "You two should of been there for each other. What would of happened if I had died?!"

"Don't fucking say that!" He grits his teeth and my face hardens.

"Who did it? Who shot me?"

He looks down at the ground for a second before looking up at me.

"Katie was in on it. She's been dealt with." I look away, not needing to know what that means.

"I want Killian here as well."

"I don't want to be in the same room as him." He huffs and I roll my eyes.

"Then get out." His eyes widen and he looks at me in shock.


"Get out!" I hiss in pain and rest my head back against my pillow. "I want to be alone." I whimper.

"I'm not leaving you alone, darling. I'm sorry that I'm upsetting you but you have to see it from my point of view. The worry I felt. I thought I was going to lose you." He whispers, one lone tear, running down his cheek.

"I just wanted the two of you here with me — not arguing and hating each other. I don't want us to be broken. You two are all I have." I whisper, wiping the tears from my cheeks. "We shouldn't take life for granted. Anything could happen."

Enzo nods his head.

"I'm sorry. I'll call Killian." He dials Killian's number, putting the phone to his ear but frowns when it instantly goes to voicemail.

He tries again but the same thing happens.

I frown.

"He won't answer."

Well she's alive 🧡

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