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"Jesus fuck!" A huge sigh of relief escapes my lips when I see Killian at the top of the stairs of the jet. "Can you two hurry up?" He rolls his eyes and makes his way into the jet.

Enzo chuckles lightly, but I'm pretty sure I've just had a mini heart attack.

I jump out of Enzo's arms and run up the stairs and make my way towards Killian, who is pouring himself a scotch. I snatch the glass away and glare up at him, making his eyes widen.

"Elodie, you alright?" He looks at me with wary eyes as I continue to give him by best glare.

"I thought you were in that car when it exploded!" I exclaim and his eyes widen.

"Baby, I wasn't even in that car when it was driving! How do you think I feel? It could of exploded when you were in there and I would of lost you both!" My face falls at his words and realisation hits me hard.

Enzo and I could of died.

But why did it go off when we got out there car and not when it was turned on or when we were driving it?!

"Get off this jet right fucking now." Enzo growls out and my eyes widen. Before I can even comprehend what is going on Killian is dragging me off the jet.

"What is happening?" I whisper.

"No-one can be trusted, darling. Especially after what just happened to that car, I'm not risking your life and letting you on that jet when something bad could happen." He grabs hold of my face and smiles gently. "Do you understand, baby?"

I nod my head and give him a small smile.

"That's my girl." He whispers, leaning down to kiss my forehead. "We're sorry it's had to come to this, Elodie. I was unaware of what Katie has suddenly become capable of, but don't worry, I will sort it."

"I know you will." I nod.

"Does that mean we have to fucking fly with a load of other people?" Killian questions in disgust and I giggle at his childish behaviour.

"Shut the fuck up, Killian and for that, you'll be getting that seat that's by itself." I look between the two in amusement.

"No, I'm sitting next to Elodie." Killian scoffs.

"Well that sucks because I happen to be sitting next to Elodie." Enzo smirks and grabs hold of my hand.


Killian and Enzo are sat together.

I wanted peace and quiet so I chose to sit alone behind them.

"El." I clench my fists and flare my nostrils when Killian turns his head and pokes it through the gap for the tenth time already on this flight. We've literally been in the air for ten minutes.

"Killian if you turn around one more time I'm going to.....I'm going to......," a look of amusement etches onto his face, ",- no cuddles for you, mr." I cross my arms over my chest and his smile drops before he whips back round to face the front.

Ten minutes later and I can see his head turning again. I roll my eyes and bury my face in my book.

"I'll pay you two-hundred quid right now if you swap chairs." I slowly lower my book to see Killian talking to the little boy next to me. I look at his mother's reaction and she shrugs.

I look on in shock as Killian pulls out money from his wallet and then hands it to the young boy who happily stands up, waving the wad of cash in his mother's face.

He swaps seats with Killian and I give him a bored look.

"I wanted to be sat alone." I huff and he shrugs, resting his head on my shoulder.

"What are you reading?" He whispers.

"It's weird actually, the story is so similar to ours. It's about these people in a polyamory relationship and they go on about the daily struggles they face because of how different their relationship is to others. It's a shame their ending isn't very happy." I sigh.

"Why? What happens?"

"Well I haven't finished it yet but I heard about how one of them dies. Not sure how." I shrug and close the book.

"Well thats depressing." He scoffs and I lightly laugh, shaking my head.

"Get me some crisps." I point to the air hostess and Killian looks at me with wide eyes.

"Do you know how expensive shit is on a plane?!" He exclaims and I raise my eyebrows.

"You just paid some random kid two hundred pounds so you could sit next to me. Now go and get me some crisps." I demand and he huffs.


I slowly open my eyes and check the time to see it's two in the morning.

We've been back home for twenty-four hours now.

No sign of Katie.

I look to my right to see Killian fast asleep. I turn to face Enzo on my left but freeze when I see the empty space.

I quietly climb out of bed and go on the hunt for Enzo. I soon spot him sat out in the garden on the swinging chair. His head turns when he hears the sound of the door opening and closing.

"Baby, what are you doing out here? It's freezing." He rushes out and I shrug, taking a seat next to him and curling up against his body.

"What are you doing awake?" I whisper and look up at him.

"Couldn't sleep." He answers and I furrow my eyebrows.

"This happens a lot, Enzo." I point out and he sighs wrapping my body in a blanket.

"I suffer with insomnia." He whispers and I reach up to stroke his hair. "Plus this stress with Katie doesn't exactly help, I'm worried she'll just appear out of nowhere and hurt you."

"We'll be okay. Enzo, you need to sleep." I whisper, running my fingers through his brown hair.

"I can't." He bites his lip.

"Rest your head on my lap." He furrows his eyebrows at me. "Trust me. Lay down." He does as he's told and lays down, with his head on my lap.

I begin to run my fingers through his hair and we begin to sway gently on the chair.  

Ten minutes of me stroking his hair and he's fast asleep.

I lean down to kiss his head and then grab the blanket that he brought outside and lay it across his body.

"I love you." I whisper.

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