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"Fuck I'm sweating!" Killian paces the restaurant that we booked out.

It's Elodie's favourite.

"She should be here soon." I say, looking at my wristwatch.

"Fuck!" Killian continues to stress and I roll my eyes, but we both freeze at the sound of the entrance door opening.

"Oh my gosh it's closed down! It's so empty!" I hold back my chuckle as Elodie looks round the restaurant with wide eyes.

Those beautiful brown eyes then land on Killian and I.

She inhales a deep breath.

"Hello?" She says more of a question than an actual greeting.

"Evening, baby." Killian nods, standing next to me.

Our angel slowly walks over to us and looks up with curious eyes.

"What are you doing? You two look very suspicious. Have you put my favourite restaurant out of business? 'Cause if you have, I'll have to kill you both."

"So dramatic." I chuckle and she pouts.

"Why am I here and why are you both all nicely dressed?" She crosses her arms over her chest, pushing up her cleavage.

"I could say you're nicely dressed as well, darling. That dress we bought you fits your body nice and snug." Killian winks and she brushes her hand down the satin material of the red dress.

The neckline plunges deep, revealing her breasts that I love quite a lot.

"We're treating you to dinner at your favourite restaurant." I shrug, grabbing her hand and leading her to a table covered in her favourite flowers.


"Why is this place empty?" She questions us as she takes a seat and looks around the luxury restaurant with furrowed eyebrows.

"It just is. Quiet night." Killian hands her a menu and I send him a small glare.

He's still nervous.

"Killian, why are you so sweaty?" I muffle my laugh as Elodie reaches up with a napkin and begins to dab the light sheen of sweat on his forehead. She gasps. "Are you ill?"

"I'm not ill. I-It's just hot in here." My eyebrows raise as he begins to stutter.

"Okay well I guess it's good we're all here together because I do need to ask you two something." She smiles and I frown, my own forehead beginning to sweat as I worry about what she has to say.

"If you are breaking up with us, I have to refuse. I'll get my lawyer involved." Killian holds his hands up in the air and Elodie and I give him a confused stare.

"I'm not breaking up with you silly!" She lightly wacks him up the side of his head. "I want to ask you both a question."

"Well we want to ask you a question too." Killian admits and she slowly nods her head and then begins to rummage through her bag.

"Okay well I'll go first." She says but Killian shakes his head.

"No, let us go first." He then grabs his glass of champagne and downs the whole thing at once.

"Please can I go first?" She pouts.

"Sure, darling." I smile, I can't say no to her.

Elodie pulls out two small velvet boxes and nibbles on her bottom lip.

"I know we've only been together a little over a year but like we've always said — we're soulmates." Why is my heart racing at one hundred miles an hour. "I love you two so much and even after everything we've been through we're still going strong. Plus when I asked you before, you did actually say you would." She smirks.

"We would what?" Killian furrow his eyebrows.

"Marry me! I want you to marry me!" She claps her hands in excitement and opens the small boxes to reveal two rings — one silver, one gold.


I scratch the back of my neck.

"You don't want to marry me, do you?" Elodie whispers, deflating back onto her chair. "I knew it was too soon!"

"No, no, no. It's not that, darling. We were going to ask you." I chuckle, pulling the expensive diamond ring out of my suit jacket.

"Oh." She whispers. "Ohhh." She looks up at the two of us and then grins.

"Yes." Killian says. "I'll marry you."

"You will?" Elodie beams and then looks at me with hopeful eyes.

"Yes, darling." I chuckle.

"I'll marry you too!" She stands up in excitement and throws her arms round the both of us. But she soon freezes.

"Who's name will I take?" She looks at us with furrowed eyebrows.

"Elodie García Torres. We've got it planned, we'll figure it out, now give me a kiss." Killian demands, smashing his lips on hers.

Elodie García Torres.

Our Elodie.

"We're getting married! I get to wear a dress and be a princess for a day." Her lip begins to tremble. "Thank you, for loving me." She cries and my eyes sting with tears.

This is everything she wanted.


And she found that in Killian and I.

"You'll be a queen, my love." Killian whispers, reaching up to wipe her tears away.

"Oh shoot! I forgot to feed Zilly before I left." I roll my eyes.

She wanted a kitten. We got her one.

I hate it.

It takes all of her attention from us and our crazy girl decided to call it Zilly.

Enzo and Killy mixed together.

"Let it starve." I mumble, remembering how it clawed at one of my expensive suits.

"Hey! I heard that." Elodie scowls and I give her a tight-lipped smile.

"Fine, future wife. Let's go and feed Zilly."


"You've been staring out that window for ten minutes now, Killian." I sigh and he turns to look at me with a smirk.

Oh no.

I stand up from my desk and make my way over to the window that overlooks my club.

There she is.

Dancing on top of the bar.

"You think she needs help?" He chuckles, staring at Elodie who I can see is singing to whatever song is being played in the club.

I smirk.

"I think our sunflower will be just fine."

The End

I don't want to say goodbye to these characters omg 😭 but obviously it had to end at some point I think this was the point lol. I want to thank every single one of you for giving this book a chance, it means so much as I know a lot of you have been here since the very beginning. There will be an epilogue to this book and who knows our lovely trio might make a comeback one day 😁

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