KGOOMR - Grumbo (hurt/comfort)

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1808 words. Set at a random time in s7.

The mansion was a bit stuck. Grian just couldn't nail the next section, meaning it had become habit to build something then tear it down once he saw that it was a bit too tall or a bit too wide, or a bit too repetitive or a bit too... wrong looking.

As well as that, the barge was being more demanding than usual. Hours upon hours were being spent grinding out materials to restock, then half an hour later it needed doing again (the hermits really knew how to get through sand and gravel). Of course, it came with the profit of diamonds, but with several stacks already in hand, they were becoming less exciting.

And that wasn't even including all the other ridiculous things going on with the rest of the server. The entire season's worth of shenanigans seemed to be going on all at once, and that's what it was like all the time.

When Grian had mentioned this, Impulse had suggested taking some time off, which was how he'd ended up walking through the jungle one evening simply to relax and take in the green scenery. He'd already made a new pesky bird friend, and it was much more enjoyable than he'd imagined it would be. It was easy not to realise how caught up in everything he'd been until he stood back for a second.

After a short while, he found himself nearing the edge of the biome and a certain Mumbo Jumbo's hobbit hole. He smiled to himself at the thought of Mumbo building it, having the same idea as him. It wasn't as big as his own hobbit hole, but it was simple, humble... just nice. A modest little hobbit home.

The early season was always difficult, what with elytra, armour and diamonds being limited, and farms not yet being built, and gathering materials being more time consuming without beacons, and having no nether hub, and really the list could go on. However, the early season was also a lot more peaceful, it was a lot simpler. It meant you could spend more time with the rest of the hermits before everyone got caught up in their projects. It meant Grian could spend more time with Mumbo.

The dark was setting in and he knew there were a few phantoms after him, so Grian let himself into the little hobbit hole. He really did fully intend to use the messaging system to go to his own base to sleep, he really did, but something else caught his eye.

K. G. O. O. M. R.

Was what a wooden sign said. Grian furrowed his eyebrows and walked closer to it for a better look. He remembered seeing the same sign at the very beginning of the season. What did it mean? He bit his lip and glanced around. He knew he shouldn't be here, it was someone else's base after all, but he really wanted to know. Should he investigate further?

He huffed. He shouldn't. He couldn't. He wouldn't. He went to the messaging system and went on his way back to his starter base. He wouldn't investigate. It would be rude. Mumbo wouldn't want him snooping around. He got in the red bed and closed his eyes. It was probably nothing anyway; just a random assortment of letters the fellow ex-hobbit probably called a business idea. Probably.

Of course he would. Grian pulled his communicator out of his pocket and privately messaged Scar (he could've sworn he saw Scar also have a K. G. O. O. M. R. sign at some point as well).

<Grian> what does KGOOMR mean?

That was it. He'd done it. No going back now. Grian sank back into his bed and went to sleep, satisfied that he would wake up to an answer.

<GoodTimesWithScar> it means keep grain out of my resources

A small "oh," escaped the gremlin's lips as his heart completely sank. Normally he would jokingly ask who this grain character was, but right now he couldn't bring himself to care about a stupid little typo.

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