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I was tagged by NinjaKitty1928 so yeah I'm basically famous now guys-

Can't believe anyone even knows I exist tbh but whatever here we gooooo

What is your full name?
Death or The Grim Reaper, your choice

Do you have any hobbies?
Piano, writing fanfic (who would've guessed), rock climbing, running, procrastinating

What's your favourite song?
I mostly listen to classical music so my favourite piece would probably be either Maurerische Trauermusik K477 by Mozart, Appassionata 3rd movement by Beethoven or Bach's 6th cello suite OR Bach's 2nd prelude and fugue because that's what I'm learning right now so it's basically obligatory that it has to be my favourite piece. But if I had to choose a modern song then something by Sia like maybe Angel By The Wings or Bird Set Free or Alive idk.

What's your phones homescreen background?
A King fanart from The Owl House

Do you have any big dreams?
To live on Mars with a group of like 100-200 really smart people people that I chose myself where we can live as introverts and do whatever we want and be separated from Earth.

Did you sleep well last night?
Sleep? What does that mean? (Being serious though yes I did)

How many friends do you have?
Idk, I'm in a group of like 10 people and am pretty good friends with most, but I have 3 best friends.

Do you like maths?

What's your favourite subject?
Maths even though most people hate it lol.

Where are you from?

Do you like sports?

Are you healthy?
Idk, a bit?

How much do you cost?
Why ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Do you have any favourite singers?

Do you have any siblings?
Not living ones, no

Can you draw?
No. I can do a few like cartoons or something but otherwise, no.

How many lessons do you have on monday?

Do you have a crush?

Are you single or taken?

If you could have the chance to take home an idol, who would it be?
Myself obviously

Tag 15 friends


FRIENDS! I have cursed you too. (I haven't got 15 friends lol and feel rude tagging people I don't know so sorry, even though I wouldn't feel like someone else is being rude if they tagged me and idk them much but you know that's how a brain with social anxiety works so lets jut post this before I think more into this)

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