The Spider - Renskall (domestic fluff)

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456 words. Some quick light fluff since I've been mainly writing angst recently for that Grumbo book, enjoy!

Ren kissed Iskall lightly on the forehead before taking a moment to admire the other hermit. They were spending the evening together chilling in the Omega Tree of Doom and were currently situated on one of the platforms that acted as stairs, winding up the inside of the tree. Iskall was leaned on Ren, who had his arm around him.

It was nice. They'd been together for a few months now and had grown comfortable with each other.

Suddenly, Ren jumped up, startling Iskall, and he stood on a nearby chest. Iskall looked around, alert, checking for danger, but there was nothing there. He looked to Ren, confused, then saw that he was watching something on the ground very intently.

A spider.

He laughed.

"Are you afraid of a little spider?" He asked, bending down and poking at it. It ran about a metre away and Ren visibly cringed.

"How can you not be?! Dude, they're terrifying." Ren said. Iskall watched with a smirk as the one who was usually the alpha (if that's the right word) in their relationship (although he would never let anyone find out) showed fear of a harmless little bug.

"It's only a daddy longlegs." He said, picking up the eight-legged creature and threatening to put it closer to Ren.

"No no no no no no," Ren said as he showed it to him and put it forward slightly. "Dgdjh-oh god I swear it just looked at me." He stuttered, watching as it moved it's legs and walked across his boyfriend's hand.

"Do spiders even have eyes?" Iskall asked, turning the menace in his hands to try and see.

"I don't want to know." Ren said, getting down off the chest cautiously.

"They must do." Iskall concluded, ignoring him. He glanced up at the werewolf and smirked. He put the spider back on the ground and squashed it with his foot. "Gone."

"I swear if you tell anyone about this..." Ren said, hoping his dignity wasn't in danger.

"Don't worry, I will, Mumbo's going to find this hilarious I'm sure." Iskall said, Ren glared daggers at him. He laughed again. "Just teasing," He stepped towards the other hermit, wrapping his arms around him and placing a kiss on his cheek, "I'll tell Grian, not Mumbo, that way he can set up some sort of prank using the information." Ren pulled away from his attempted second kiss his other cheek.

"You wouldn't." He said, not wanting to believe it.

"Convince me not to..." Iskall challenged.

"If you do, I'll... uh," Iskall didn't have any secret fears that he knew about, "I won't talk to you for a week."

"You have me convinced." Iskall said. It was Ren's turn to smirk.

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