Evil X's Little Adventure - Evil X & Watchers

896 31 8

1277 words. Adventure time, come on grab your friends, we go to very distant lands-

*bursts into tears*

WELCOME TO EVIL XISUMA'S LITTLE ADVENTURE! I have no idea what this is (fluff, angst etc) so yeah no label for this one.

Grian woke up to the morning sunlight on his eyes. He got up and ready for his day - planning on building some new parts of his base - putting on his armour and grabbing some shulker boxes of materials he'd put together the day before. He opened his Ender chest for some rockets, but noticed the distinct emptiness of one of the slots. He definitely hadn't left it empty. There was no way he'd misplaced it since the last time he'd touched it was when he first got the magical chest.

He thought for a moment, searching for his magical belonging mentally on the server, sensing out where it had ended up.


He took out his communicator.

<Grian> Pearl

<PearlescentMoon> yes?

<Grian> Check your ender chest

About a minute passed.

<PearlescentMoon> oh...

He went outside and took off in the direction of a certain Voidwalker's base, seeing Pearl do the same. She caught up to him and they exchanged a glance. They landed outside the Evil Emporium and knocked on the tall doors.

"Come in!" An echoey voice called. They did as they were told, and found Evil X sitting by the lectern with a Premium Derpcoin in hand. They stood expectantly in silence for a few seconds, before he spoke. "You know, despite how well the Derpcoin is doing, it's a bit too... slow, for my liking. Unfortunately, my faster methods have never worked in the past.

"However, I've recently found out some very valuable information." He stood up and slowly stepped towards the two hermits. "You two... are Watchers, aren't you?"

"Yeah." Grian said quietly.

"And you don't want the hermits knowing, do you?" Evil asked, his voice echoing beneath his helmet menacingly.

"No." Pearl replied.

"Well then, I have an offer for you." He said, throwing the light blue coin behind his shoulder. "Although, I suppose it's more of a... a recruitment you can't refuse than an offer."

"What is it?" Grian asked, glancing at Pearl unsurely.

"On my own, I was never enough to destroy the server... but with two Watchers on my side, I could do whatever I want." He explained.

"And, if we say no?" Pearl asked.

"I reveal who you are, you get kicked off of Hermitcraft and none of your friends like you anymore." The two Watchers exchanged a glance.

"Then I guess we have to agree." Grian said.

"Excellent." The Voidwalker replied, taking the two masks from his inventories and handing them to their owners. "Put them on and we'll get started right away, my new minions." They did as they were told.

The newly formed trio left the building and took to the air.

"We'll start with Xisuma's base." He called. They landed and he gave them a stack of TNT each. They set to work, covering every inch of the starter base in the red and white block, before Evil X lit one with flint and steel and the entire build went up. He grinned. Pearl and Grian glanced at each other from beneath their masks. "Where next?" Evil asked. A moment of silence passed.

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