Too Human for a Watcher - Last Life

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Am I meant to be revising for a test tomorrow? Yes. Am I writing this instead? Yes.

This is set in Last Life surprise surprise

Grian glanced around the bland room, that was more of a hole in the ground with a few chests in than an actual room. The walls were a hideous mixture of stone, dirt, granite and diorite and it was cluttered, showing exactly how at the end of the day everyone just threw their stuff in a chest or even just on the ground like words in a book. In its own way, though, it was kind of nice. This server wasn't about beautiful interiors or towers that reached build limit, it was more just a bunch of friends messing about and not having to think about how everything looked.

Mumbo, Impulse, Martyn and Timmy were chatting, sat a few metres apart each, while Grian drew patterns with the specks of gravel that had made their way onto the chilly, grey floor. The darkness had infested the outside about an hour ago and they were just chilling, because why not?

Except, something wasn't right.

The other four southerners were occupying themselves in a state of ignorance, but something wasn't right with Grian. He felt off, not ill exactly but like something in his body just wasn't right. It was like he'd had a meal that didn't sit right in him, except not just in his stomach but his entire body. His joints felt way too stiff, his head carried an echo of pain and even his toes felt sick. But he wasn't sick, he could tell simply by the feeling, and also by the fact it was physically impossible for him to get sick as a Watcher, unless it was some sort of glitch or infection of his magic, but was it?

He'd had a magic infection once before, before he joined Hermitcraft, but it didn't feel like that either. He sighed slightly, gripping some of the gravel between his fingers.

Had he done something? When had this feeling started? He thought to himself as he replayed the day in his head. He'd been fine when blowing up Pearl and Scott's base, he'd been fine the entire time when he'd been with Joel, then when he went to Scar for the life and... oh. Now that he thought about it, he remembered feeling like this on top of the mountain when everyone else got there and they all celebrated the new found peace. And the feeling had only worsened.

Oh fuck. The life Scar had given him... it all made sense now. He could pinpoint the feeling now that he knew, feel the way the new life in him coursed through his veins in the wrong direction and made his muscles ache. Scar's life was too human for him.

A vague layer of anxiety and panic set in as he realised this would only get worse if he didn't do something. The life could potentially kill him, it could drain his magic, his magic could fight it inside him and damage him in the process. He needed it out right now.

<Grian> Pearl

<PearlescentMoon> ya?

<Grian> sit 5

<PearlescentMoon> on my way

There were times Grian was very grateful for their shorthand for emergency situations. Now was one of them. Situation 5: help needed, must change form but people nearby. It was a quick way to get help without needing to explain much and could help in a variety of situations, for example Situation 4: uncontrollable glitches, Situation 2: unknown Watchers nearby, Situation 8: magic infection or Situation 7: must leave, cover for me.

It was also very useful that the few people that knew his identity also knew this code, even though they might not be able to help with all situations. Two of those few people were Martyn and Timmy because they'd been on Evo, although it wasn't like there was any other reason for anyone else to know so he supposed that was a given.

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