DD - Watcher Grian Concept

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So this is set at the beginning of season 9, and DD (pronounced DeeDee) is like Grian/Xelqua's Watcher Palisman (like in TOH) which is an old concept of mine. I wrote this in like March and have now decided to publish it. 600 words.

"These hermits really know how to get through their boats." Joe muttered as he looked in the free boats chest at spawn that he'd set up on the first day. He turned to the crafting table to make some more, not that it really needed restocking anymore, he just felt like he should and he had a bit of free time so why not?

After running out of inventory space for the boats, he turned away from the crafting table and went to put the items in the chest when;

"AAAAGGFHHHHH!" He screamed, stepping back suddenly and nearly tripping over. A dog-sized mess of purple flames stared at him with pitch black eyes.

"What happened?" Cleo called, jogging over from the other side of a rock, before seeing it. "What the hell is that?" Well, at least he wasn't going mad and seeing things.

He stared back at it cautiously, noticing now that its shape resembled a dragon. It had two wings with flames lapping across its figure energetically. It looked like it was made of the burning fire - iridescent and slightly translucent - yet its form was still solid. It took a step towards him and moved half weightlessly and half life any other animal of its size. Joe felt his communicator buzz in his pocket as Cleo texted the hermits.

The dragon let out a noise between a whine and a shriek, before stepping back and suddenly growing in size to become the size of four elephants. Joe ran back and took out his sword, and Cleo did the same. The dragon looked around and hit its feet against the ground a couple of times.

Xisuma and Iskall arrived only a few seconds later, having been nearby.

"What on Earth?!" The Admin asked, approaching the situation.

"I don't know, it just... appeared!" Joe said.

"Everyone be careful!" Xisuma yelled, as the two new arrivals also pulled out their swords.

The dragon roared, and the sound overwhelmed them. A few more hermits started running to spawn after hearing the commotion, equipping their armour and readying themselves for a fight.

The dragon stomped its foot a few more times, before roaring again and stepping away a bit.

"We can't let it run rampant across the server! We need to contain it!" Xisuma yelled, and the hermits began trying to attack it to stop it from walking. False and Doc started shooting at it with a bow, and the dragon roared again, shaking its head. It whacked a few areas of the ground, breaking the stone and making dust rise up. It roared again, even louder, and the flames that ran across its body lit up powerfully.

Grian ran towards the battle, stopping about fifteen metres away to see what was happening.

"DD!" He yelled, disapprovingly, like a parent telling off their child. The dragon in question stopped what it was doing and looked at the Watcher hybrid. "Stop that!"

DD whined slightly and the rest of the hermits stood still, getting their breaths back.

"Bad!" He scolded. "Come here right now!" It whined again. "Now." It looked down at the ground guiltily and shrunk down to the size of a horse and slowly walked over to him before slumping down to a sitting position. The hermits watched in silence. "What did I tell you about attacking people?"

DD made a sound resembling a mumbly growl and looked away.

"Sorry about that, it gets very moody and impulsive sometimes, don't you DD?" Grian said to the hermits as he stepped to the dragon and hugged its neck.

"It's a dragon..." Mumbo muttered. "Grian? Why have you got a pet dragon?"

"Why not?"

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