Tired - Beetho (nightmares/fluff)

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1481 words. Set at the beginning ish of the season when Beef and Etho were having meetings. Also the description of the nether might not be accurate, but just bare in mind these two words: plot convenience (lol).

Beef sat behind his desk, waiting, in his special white suit. Wearing it made him immediately very professional and official, so he had a certain air of confidence around him while sitting in the chair. He'd even ironed the blazer and polished the shoes. This may have also been for professionalism, which is what Beef would've said if anyone asked, but it may have also been because he wanted to look nice for Etho.

The reason for the meeting was that more glass panes had appeared in Beef's chest. This may seem like a fairly trivial reason to call a meeting, and that's because it is. At this point, the bearded hermit was ready to use any excuse for a meeting if it meant spending more time with Etho. They hadn't been hanging out as often as normal recently, so Beef was happy to get any time he could.

He checked his watch; 2:58. The meeting began at 3. Ah, he thought, he'll be late then. Etho was always either early or late - it was about 50/50 which he'd be - so if he hadn't arrived 5 minutes before then it was certain he'd arrive 5 minutes after instead. He was never on time. It was an Etho thing.

There was a knock at the door.

"Knock knock." A voice called, somewhat too... normally. Beef momentarily furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and glanced down at his watch again; 3:00. Something had to be wrong.

"Come in." He called back, smiling at the fellow Canadian hermit as he walked in. There were bags under Etho's eyes and he moved slightly less energetically than normal. Beef internally shrugged it off, being tired was a relatively normal thing on the server; it was easy to lose track of time. "What've you been up to?"

"The monstrosity." Etho sat down without checking for traps. Beef nodded.

"How's it going?" He asked. Etho shrugged.

"Okay I guess." He said.

"Good." There was a moment of silence. "Anyway, you may be wondering why I called you here, and that reason would be because some glass has mysteriously found it's way into my chests again." He was expecting Etho to do some sort of fake reaction in response to this, but he didn't, so he continued. "A simple mistake, I'm sure, but even so I'll double check that you remember what snitches get?" This was only a half question, but it kind of required an answer.

"Yeah, um, riches." Etho replied, but there was very little enthusiasm behind his words. He rubbed his eyes briefly. Maybe he was tireder than Beef had initially thought, but he knew Etho and knew that he wouldn't want to be fussed over, so he continued.

"That's right. Believe me Etho I will make you a very rich hermit if that's what it takes, all I need is," Etho yawned, "the name of who keeps signing me up, oh and maybe a particularly sharp sword if you happen to come by one." Etho genuinely looked like he would fall asleep right there and then. It was exactly like him to be sleep deprived but unlike him to be this sleep deprived. "Meeting over." He stated.

"What? Why?" The white haired hermit asked, blinking. There was a hint of disappointment in his expression but Beef assumed he was making it up.

"You're tired." Beef walked around from behind his desk.

"Only a little..." Etho mumbled. Beef ignored him and offered the other hermit a hand. The cosplayer begrudgingly accepted it.

Of course, Etho could've just flown back to his base, but Beef wasn't sure if it was really safe in such a tired state. So instead they took the nether. They started off walking, but before long Etho was leaning on Beef, and when he was starting to dip in and out of consciousness Beef just decided it was better to carry him bridal style. They could've used a boat, but why would they do that when the current position was one that the straight-thinking (well) person of the two quite liked.

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