Too Far - Xisuma, Watcher Grian and Pearl on Empires

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"Xel." A familiar voice said. The admin, although he technically wasn't the admin anymore, not of this server, he was just an admin... the voidwalker closed his Enderchest and peered around a temporary dirt pillar to see Pearl approaching Grian. "Can I say something?" She asked seriously. Xisuma knew he shouldn't listen in, especially with the hermit sounding so serious, so he turned back to the chest. He didn't open it.

"Yeah, sure." He heard Grian reply.

"Okay, um, look, I'm not saying this because, I mean... I'm not trying to make you not be yourself and you can do what you want and stuff, but this is just... my opinion. And I'm only saying this because I don't want anything... bad to happen." Pearl said, not necessarily nervously but... she obviously didn't want Grian to take whatever she was about to say in the wrong way. Xisuma didn't know why he was listening. Maybe it was boredom, nosiness... something like that.

"Okay, go ahead."

"I think you're taking it too far." Pearl said.

"It...? Elaborate."

"You know..." Pearl hesitated and Xisuma imagined that she was gesturing. "This. The rift, the crossover with a random server, the making-hermits-smaller thing. And that's not even mentioning the stuff with the Life series." Xisuma furrowed his eyebrows. Why was she being so mean?

"What... it's just a bit of fun." Grian didn't quite sound hurt, just unsure.

"I know, and it really is fun, but, I'm just worried that people will get suspicious."


"They won't." Grian said firmly.

"You don't know that. And we shouldn't take any risks." Pearl said firmly in response.

"I'm not taking risks! I'm just making it more fun for people." Grian raised his voice slightly. What were they talking about? X peered around the dirt, seeing that they were stood a few metres apart.

"But this isn't what a normal person does."

"You know I'm not normal!"

"You know what I mean!" Pearl snapped back. She was angry. She was worried. "This isn't even what a weird admin does! This is what a Watcher does!" She yelled, and Xisuma gasped. A Watcher? Grian turned away. "And sooner or later people might start to get suspicious."

Xisuma backed away, but his eyes were fixed on the scene. Grian was still facing away from Pearl. He looked angry.

"Xelqua." Pearl tried, but he ignored her. "Xelqua Adesa!" She yelled, this time getting him to turn around.

"Don't talk to me like that." He said.

"Then listen to me. You can't keep doing things like this and you know I'm right."

"I can do whatever I like, Pearl, I am the most powerful being in the entire universe." Grian replied.

"Well, for the most powerful being in the universe you're being incredibly arrogant." Pearl said.

"I'm not." Grian replied. "If they get suspicious, I can just make them," he clicked his fingers, "not-suspicious. Just like that."

"What are you talking about?" Pearl sounded slightly scared. "You've never spoken like this before."

"Well..." Grian shrugged. "It's true. It doesn't matter what they think if I can make them think differently. I'm just having a bit of fun. Aren't I allowed to do that?"

"You're not above morales. People aren't toys for you to play with."

"That's exactly what they are." Grian said tantalisingly. Pearl looked at him with disgust.

"Who even are you?" She asked. They stared at each other, before she walked away.

X stared. That... couldn't... no, it wasn't...

Grian turned and their eyes met.

This isn't saying I dislike what Grian's doing, I love the lore, this was just an idea. Also hi I haven't written in ages.

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