Wrong - Evil X & Xisuma (hurt/comfort)

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674 words. Just a little drabble for ya.

"You're greedy! That's what your problem is. You should be more thankful for the things you've got." The Admin scolded, his eyebrows pulling downwards beneath his helmet and his hands resting on his hips. "Look around at the beautiful Evil Empire, we've done amazing things here." He said, trying to let his twin brother know how ungrateful he was. Unfortunately, it didn't work as the other man stood still and continued watching his little rant. He sighed heavily. "I don't know what more to say." He resigned, as Xavon turned around, probably not caring or listening to him. "Anyway, I've got work to do. These shops need restocking, because people love the Derpcoin and they keep spending it here. And I'll keep it running, regardless of your attitude!"

He stormed off, letting his legs carry him away from the source of at least 50% of his frustrations. Notch, he could be so ungrateful sometimes. He was self-centred, cruel, unfair... the list went on.

The Admin had gone round the corner of a building when he realised something was wrong. It was silent. Xavon hadn't yelled at him in response to his insults, hadn't sighed at being annoyed at him for questioning his ways, hadn't even made any sounds that implied he'd left or was leaving.

Xisuma immediately turned around and went back. As he went around the wall, it revealed to him like a curtain that his brother was sitting on the ground with his right side leant against the map stand, his legs to his chest and his head low. Guilt instantly pooled in his stomach and he quickly jogged over to the other male.

He came to the quick realisation that the red-armoured man was crying. He knelt down beside him and pulled him into a hug.

"I'm sorry." He said, as Xavon leant into him and let his arms wrap around him.

"You're right, I'm greedy and unthankful and I can't do anything right and my powers are getting weaker and I don't know why and everything is just... wrong. I'm wrong." Xavon sniffled.

"You're not wrong." Xisuma said, but it seemed to go past him as he was too deep into his own thoughts to hear.

"I don't want to exist anymore, things just go wrong and I can't do anything about it and I just get in the way and I get in your way and no one likes me anyway or really wants me here, everyone just tolerates me because they have to." He cried. Why was he even still talking? Xisuma was probably bored of him by now.

The axolotl pulled out his communicator and put in a command to take the two of them to his base. He didn't often use that feature, it was mostly just there for emergencies and he kind of saw it as cheating, but now seemed like one of the times it could be accepted.

Now surrounded by thinner air, Xisuma took off his helmet.

"We're inside now." He told Xavon. The other voidwalker nodded before taking off his own helmet to reveal his snow white hair. His cheeks were stained, and he hid his face as quickly as possible by leaning into Xisuma. "I love you. You annoy me sometimes and your morals aren't great but I love you and I don't know what I would do without you, so don't you dare say you're worthless."

"Why isn't my magic working? I can't do anything without it, I'm nothing. I don't want to be nothing." Evil said, his mind spilling out.

"You're not nothing, we'll find a way to fix it. Things have been strange recently." The axolotl soothed, stroking his hand through the silky white hair.

Xavon cried for a few more minutes, before slowing down a bit. His breathing began to return to normal. In that moment he felt so loved with his brothers arms wrapped around him protectively.

"Thank you." He eventually whispered. Xisuma didn't reply, just hugged him a bit tighter for a second.

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