As if one wasn't enough - Grian, Mumbo and Scar (comedy)

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I have peaked writing this. I dreamt it (or the general idea at least), woke up and wrote it. 2334 words.

Grian had missed the Hermitcraft monthly meeting, and while that wasn't a rare occurrence, Xisuma had asked Mumbo to check up on him at some point. Mumbo, inspired by Scar, was going to do that in the form of inviting him to a game of Buttercup Team Building Hide and Seek in Scarland.

He knocked on the door of the main building through which he could see Grian's name tag using his communicator. He furrowed his eyebrows as he waited; he could have sworn that he could hear people inside, but all of the hermits had just been at the meeting. A couple of minutes passed and he resolved to knock again, trying not to wonder how Grian hadn't heard him; he must, by definition, have been alone (Mumbo was probably just hearing things). Unless he was asleep. He didn't have enough time to extend that train of thought any further, though, because the door opened and Grian stood in the gap.

"Hi, you missed the..." Mumbo trailed off as he properly looked at Grian; he looked younger. Like, five to ten years younger.

"Oh," Grian replied, and something else was very different about him. "I slept in, sorry.

"Oh, okay then. Just tell Xisuma, he'll he fine with it." Mumbo replied cautiously, trying to work out what was wrong with him and just what was going on in general. Why did he look so much younger? It must have just been a trick of the light but... it was weird.

"Yes, of course." Grian said, and hesitated. "I'll just tell Xisuma." He seemed very cautious. Very very cautious. He was talking slowly, as if he were treading on egg shells.

Mumbo realised how he had pronounced the admin's name; the same way he had said it. Not exaggeratively wrong or with a nickname like 'X' or 'suma', but wrong in the same way Mumbo said it wrong (he knew he said it wrong but wasn't quite sure what way was right, so he stuck with his way since it seemed to work). He didn't have time to bring it up, however, because Grian glanced back inside, his eyes widened slightly, and then he stepped outside fully and closed the door behind him just in time before there was a loud bang against the door and then, from the inside;

"You wanna go?!" It was Grian's voice.

"Yeah I wanna go!" It was also Grian's voice.

"Uhum," the Grian in front of him chuckled nervously.

"What the fuck?!" Mumbo asked.

"It's nothing, don't worry." Grian said, staying put in front of the doors. "It's just... a recording! We- I'm working on some acting skills, you see, um."

Mumbo stared at him. "I don't think I believe you."

"O-oh, um, well..." he trailed off.

"What's going on?"

"It's a bit... um..."

"Should I get Xisuma? Something weird is clearly happening."

"Is it? No it's not. Everything is very normal." Grian reassured him, or tried to.

"I'm sure he wouldn't mind helping out."

"No! Don't get anyone. We don't need any help. We're just... I mean of course I'm just, like, living my life you know. On... on..." he glanced down at his communicator. "Hermitcraft!"

"Oh, right." Mumbo relaxed. "So you were just Hermitcrafting? As all of us Hermitcrafters do?" Grian smiled.

"Yes, as a Hermitcrafter."

"Not as a Hermit, then?"

Grian hesitated. "No?"

"Right." Mumbo nodded.

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