Too Familiar - Evil Watchers, Secret Life

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Secret life isn't hermitcraft but whatever

"I had two people clinging to me!" Gem exclaimed. "Two!"

"You're like magnet." Scott said.

"Yeaahhhh," Gem said, unimpressed. "To middle aged men." Scott scoffed.

"I'm twenty seven!" Scott corrected, offended. "Same as you."

"And I'm-" Skizz started to yell, before hesitating. "-not going to comment."

"I just wonder what would have happened if me and Cleo had tried to pair up," said Scott.

"Oh yeah, 'cause your tasks right?" Tango agreed.

"Yeah, we would have been waiting for each other to start building or something. Or in a stalemate." Scott elaborated.

"Well, look who finally decided to show their faces!" Bdubs accused as they arrived at the Secret Keeper.

"Bdubs you literally arrived ten seconds ago." Cleo said, deadpan.


"Well at least we weren't last." Scott said, looking over at Jimmy and Scar, who were narrowly avoiding the mobs as they made their way over. "I told them not to hang around together."

"Hi Impulse, did you finish your task?" Gem greeted.


"Well..." Etho began.

"Just." Impulse said, and Etho chuckled under his mask.

After Jimmy and Scar had arrived and Scar had made a dramatic comments about the mobs, the hum of chatter of too many conversations to be followed at once settled amongst the groups and Jimmy slightly sheepishly wandered over to BigB.

"Is it just me or...?" Jimmy began.

"No. I feel the same." BigB said without making eye contact. He glanced up at the Secret Keeper.

"No, no, because when you think about it, Mumbo was objectively the worst person for me to be around." Grian said.

"That is true." Mumbo said. "But it was good for me!"

"Oh, well," Grian scoffed, "if it was good for you! Then that's okay then."

"Exactly." Said Mumbo smugly.

"Etho was my saviour." Grian said.

"I was?" Etho smiled.

"Yeah, you would not laugh at any of my jokes! I don't know if I should be grateful or offended."

"Both." Martyn suggested.

"Etho, you were also great for me! Everyone else needed like a ten point list with pros and cons and political implications before they would give me a heart." Pearl said. "You barely needed asking."

"Glad to know then that I was getting everyone else's task done." Etho said.

"Grian." Jimmy interrupted.


Jimmy gestured for Grian to step away from the group a bit and to stand in a triangle with him and BigB.

"We're having doubts." BigB said in a hushed tone. Grian furrowed his eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"About this server. Everything here." BigB clarified. "It feels... familiar. Too familiar." Grian looked confused.

"The symbol. Look at the symbol." Jimmy said, gesturing up to it. Grian glanced at it.

"And the control. And the words." BigB added.

"And what happened with Martyn at the end of last season." Jimmy extended the list.

"I don't know what you're getting at." Grian said.

"No. Grian. I think you do." Jimmy said sternly, raising his voice and grabbing the attention of the other Lifers. He looked around and quietened his stance. Grian said nothing.

There was a quiet pause for a moment.

"It's them, isn't it?" BigB asked.

Grian was looking at the ground, and he didn't answer. But he smiled.

BigB furrowed his eyebrows when he noticed the admin's expression.

"Grian... you never told us what happened..." He murmured as his stomach sank and the hairs on the back of his neck pricked up. "...when you left." He finished hesitantly as he noticed Pearl and Martyn step towards him and Jimmy slowly like predators towards their pray. He felt the air still and the background swaying sound of the nearby trees vanish. "...Or what happened to Netty..." Jimmy quietly gasped beside him as he looked around at the rest of the group, who had ceased to murmur or fidget or blink or breathe. "...or Zee or..." he trailed off as his beating heart cut became too loud to concentrate on speaking.

"Salem..." Martyn said above no noise other than the five of them and the void that seemed to lurk behind them. "Or Mini..." the symbol on the statue began to glow a dim purple. "... or Taurtis..."

"or Tom..." Pearl said, before adding; "Or Ren..."

Jimmy shook his head, staring between them. BigB continued his gaze on the admin in front of him.

"Well..." Grian said thoughtfully, before looking up, revealing glowing purple eyes with no irises or pupils. A halo formed, spinning around his head, produced from the back. Every star in the sky above them flickered out and the symbol on the statue loomed. "Would you like to know?"

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