Reminisce - Grian stuff

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Just a drabble, trigger warning of briefly mentioned self harm

"What was the best day of your life?" Scar asked, looking at Mumbo. The moonlight shone down over the trio; the silvery shine illuminated the tips of the leaves. The air was comfortably warm and peacefully, but not eerily, quiet.

"That's a tough one, there are lots of days to chose from." Mumbo said thoughtfully. He stayed silent for a moment. "Maybe when I joined Hermitcraft, or the day I fell in love with redstone." He concluded. Scar nodded.

"How about you, G?"

"Um," he said, although he already knew, "the day I left high school." The two chuckled.

"I can relate to that." Scar said. "What was your school like?"

"Torture." He muttered, although it went deeper than the other two would think.

"That bad?" Mumbo asked. Grian looked up and nodded.

Grian ran to his room, his heart pounding and adrenaline running through him. He looked around himself before going to the wardrobe and swinging the doors open.

"What was it? Too bigger workload, bullies...?" Scar inquired curiously.

"I..." Grian started, the beginning of a memory flashing before him, "guess you could say a bully, but not... really. He was... worse."

"Oh my god, he's actually going to do it." Taurtis said as he also entered the room, slamming the door behind himself. "He's actually going to kill us. This is it." His breathing was heavy and panic radiated off him.

"Oh, sorry to hear that." Mumbo said. Grian stared forwards.

"We're leaving." Grian announced. He took his jumper off, revealing old and new scars all up and down his arms, before reaching into the wardrobe for a green jacket and hat. He didn't want to be Gree-on anymore, not for forever, but just for a while. He would go by his middle name until his first no longer hurt.

"It's fine, it was a long time ago now." He muttered, trying to convince himself.

"Where will we go?" Taurtis asked.

"I made a deal with someone." He replied. "We have a server to go to."

"Are you okay?" Scar asked.

"Who? Who did you you make a deal with?" Taurtis asked.

"They said they were 'Watchers'." Grian replied. Footsteps came up the stairs and Sam started knocking on the door, which Taurtis was leaning against. "We need to go now." He said, opening the window and looking at the drop. It would hurt, but they could make it. He glanced back at Taurtis, who nodded.

"Yeah. Just... thinking." He said, before leaning back and looking up at the moon (which looked small after what it had been). "Anyway, what was the best day of your life, Scar?"

"Oh, that would have to be the day I got Jellie."

The pair scurried out of the window, landing as best as they could, before taking off sprinting. They went into an alley and Grian got his communicator out, messaging the number he'd been given.

Two shadowy figures materialised, and Taurtis jumped back slightly, not used to their ominous presence. He glanced at Grian unsurely. The figures reached out their dark equivalent of a hands, and Grian took the one offered to him. After a moment, Taurtis took the other, before purple darkness swirled into their vision and they teleported.

They escaped.

That chapter of their lives was finally over, and now they could begin a new one. No torture, no pain, no fear, just light-hearted, care-free fun. He would call it Evolution SMP.

Sorry it's been a while since the last oneshot, I've started like twenty new ones and not finished them. Anyway I have two things to say: one is that this oneshots book is about to reach 10k reads which is cool, and two is that I'm really getting going with a new book which idk it might be out soon (like in the next month or so) or it might not be because I have exams coming up. Either way I made an awesome cover for it so hype for that ig?

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