CHRISTMASSSSS - Christmasssss oneshot

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3395 words of solid positive Christmas vibes. (We're gonna ignore the whole moon thing and LITERALLY MOVING SEASONS thing for this one.)

It was the 24th of December and to say the server was buzzing with excitement would be an understatement. Trees and lights were up everywhere you could see and any time you spoke to someone you could hear their restlessness and happiness that crept into their voice on its own accord.

Scar, being the embodiment of celebration and festivities he was, invited Boatem round to his for a Christmas sleepover. Somehow, that extended to also inviting the Big Eyes, some neighbours and Zedaph for some reason since Tango had wanted him, to which he said "the more the merrier". And so, at 6pm on December the 24th, 9 Hermits were due to arrive in the Swaggon. He was a bit scared for the safety of his base, but decided he could always commission Grian to rebuild it if needed.

Pearl and Impulse were first to arrive, throwing down their overnight stuff on one side of the room they were using. He'd cleared the barrels and some of the interior decorations to make room, so it was mostly empty apart from a Christmas tree in one corner and lights and decorations hung up around the place.

"This place looks awesome." Impulse complimented, looking at the tree.

"It does." Pearl agreed.

"Thanks." Scar replied, before spotting a wild Cub approaching the building (/vehicle). "Hey Cub." He called as the black haired Hermit landed.

"Hi." He replied, going inside and also placing his stuff down. A few seconds after, Mumbo and Grian also arrived and greeted them. They all started settling down as people filtered in; next to come was Bdubs and Keralis, then Tango, then Zedaph.

"I definitely didn't get lost on the way here." The Brit said.

"Welcome to the best Christmas sleepover that has ever existed or ever will exist." Scar said.

"Wooooo..." Impulse said just slightly unenthusiastically. The rest of the room was silent.

"Wow, great start. I'm really feeling the positive, excited, Christmassy energy in here." Scar said easily. Everyone chuckled.

"What're we gonna do?" Bdubs asked.

"Truth or dare!" Tango suddenly yelled.

"Yes!" Zedaph agreed.

"Very Christmassy energy..." Scar muttered and Mumbo and Cub, who were the only ones who heard him, chuckled.

The two troublemakers scooted forwards and everyone else followed suit - Scar sitting down - to make a circle, going round in the order: Scar, Bdubs, Keralis, Zedaph, Tango, Impulse, Grian, Pearl, Cub, Mumbo.

"Who's going first?" Impulse asked.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhh..." Tango started.

"Cub!" Zedaph decided.

"Me? Okay." The said male replied.

"Truth or dare...?" Tango asked enticingly.

"Which is safer?" He asked, receiving nothing but a smirk in response. "I'll go with truth."

"Okay, would you rather... eat a spoonful of hot sauce or drink nothing but honey for a whole day?" Tango asked.

"Probably... the hot sauce." Cub replied.

"Interesting..." Tango remarked as if he was actually going to do anything with that information.

"You pick someone now, Cub." Scar said.

"Okay, Pearl, truth or dare?" Cub asked, turning to the person on his left.

And so they played. Pearl picked truth and they found out that she was a no for pineapple on pizza. Bdubs picked dare and subsequently had to stay awake for as long as they did instead of breaking off from the group at 8 o'clock sharp. Cub picked truth and chose to marry Scar, kiss Grian and kill Zedaph. And they rolled through everyone until Keralis was asked Scar;

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