Avian - more Grian

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I'm tired and in pain and I have no idea what this is apart from a brain dump of really stupid ideas/scenarios so here you go. 475 words.

Green light tinted his pale skin, zooming with letters and ones and zeros. It had been accidental, he tended not to look too much into the details of the hermits other than to check that they were safe upon their first arrival; he wanted them to have privacy. But his fingers had slipped onto one of the players' profiles and his eyes landed on the word, and he remembered seeing it years before - when he'd first considered him as a member. But it had slipped his mind in the excitement of the early season and he'd never thought about it since. He raised an eyebrow beneath his purple visor.


Species: avian

How was that right? Grian didn't have wings, he was good at flying, sure, but he wasn't an avian. Surely, even if he no longer had wings for whatever reason, he would've mentioned it? Was it a glitch? A mistake in the system?

<Xisuma> Grian, can you come over please?

After five minutes, the door opened.

"Hey X, what can I do for you?" The hermit greeted.

"Hi, um, sorry, I was just wondering if there was a mistake in your profile. It says you're an avian." He explained, looking to Grian, whose face went blank for a second.

"Oh, yeah, I mean I am, technically, I guess. The blood doesn't change just because... well." He replied. "Did I not tell you that?" Xisuma shook his head. Grian hummed thoughtfully.

"What... happened? If you don't mind me asking." He asked, before realising he probably shouldn't have.

"No not at all, uh, someone cut them off, in high school."

"What? Why?"

"I don't know," he shrugged, "said he didn't like them, or it wasn't fair, something like that." He said casually. Way too casually.

"What?! So somebody just randomly cut off your wings, and you're okay with that?!" Xisuma practically yelled. Grian shrugged again.

"Well no, I wasn't okay with it, but y'know... there wasn't really much to do about it. Besides, it wasn't the worst thing he did to me," he tried to brush it off. The admin felt sick just hearing the vaguest details.

"You're... you don't seem to... aren't you..." he was speechless. Luckily, Grian understood what he was getting at.

"Oh, well it's all okay now. He's long gone and I ended up here eventually, and here isn't too bad so..." he shrugged again. He frowned at Xisuma's still-shocked expression. "I have amazing friends, an amazing family who support me outside of Hermitcraft, and I can still fly with elytra." He smiled. Xisuma hesitated, but Grian's grin was full of joy and life so he relaxed slightly. Slightly.

"Wow." He muttered.


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