"Angelface" - Bdoc (jealousy/confessions)

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1593 words, and I say confessions but I mean getting together.

Keralis was Bdubs's friend. Doc wasn't exactly sure when the wide-eyed hermit started doing it, but it was common knowledge that he had nicknames for 'Bubbles'. There was nothing going on between them. However, that didn't mean that every time Bdubs was greeted as 'Angelface' an emotion difficult to put a name on didn't spark up in Doc. It was... a strange split between annoyance, dislike and... desire? Was that the right word?

When Keralis had stayed with Bdubs for a week or two at the start of the season, Doc did everything he could to discourage him from staying. He even went to the extent of putting pufferfish in the swimming pool. It wasn't that he didn't like Keralis (he had, of course, been the reason he was there in the first place), it was just that every time he heard an obnoxious nickname something burned inside him, like frustration but to a desperate cause.

And if that wasn't enough, he even found out that they'd slept in the same bed on the first night! Bdubs's instinct to sleep as soon as the sun touched the horizon was very real, but really! It just... Doc couldn't put into words how annoyed he was. He wasn't annoyed at Bdubs, and only kind of at Keralis. It was more that he was annoyed at who the situation did and didn't involve. It was weird to say the least.

Eventually, after days and days of emotional torture, they left. They had to, they'd accidentally blown up the GOAT and had been too scared to remain. Something that could be considered relief washed over the hybrid when he discovered this. At last, he wouldn't have to witness Keralis's closeness to Bdubs. Of course, the nicknames would continue, but they wouldn't be right in his face anymore.

The relief was short lived though when he realised he also wouldn't get to put up with Bdubs's shenanigans every day anymore. At this point in the season, he was probably moving out of his starter base for good.

Soon, a house popped up just over the hill, in the grassy plains, distinctly in Bdubs's style. Doc always admired the builder's work; it was always so detailed, so intricate, so interesting. The hours of careful work were evident in the beautifully laid materials. Anything Bdubs touched instantly turned into an architectural masterpiece. Doc's half of the house felt lonely without the other hermit next door.


Now, he had to put up with considerably less of Keralis's nicknames, but every time he saw them in the chat, the mystery feeling still engulfed him, and it was definitely getting stronger. Doc was filled with more and more anger that he wasn't the one calling Bdubs those names.

His train of thought stopped; what did he just think? Was this feeling jealousy that he wasn't as close to Bdubs as Keralis? Why did he feel that? Why was he jealous? He and Bdubs were friends, they were already close (in a rival kind of way), what more did he want? He wanted to be the one to greet Bdubs with nicknames, but why? He frowned to himself.


When the mayoral campaigns came around, it was only a blink of an eye before Scar started running, and it wasn't long before Doc found out Bdubs was his campaign manager (/sergeant/lieutenant/captain/whatever he was). They were spending hours together planning out their tactics. And again, the same feeling came into play whenever Doc saw them together. He wanted Bdubs to spend as much time with him as he did with Scar. But why would he want that? He didn't like Bdubs, and they were just friends, so nothing could happen between them even if he did feel that way, which he didn't.

The election played through, Scar won, and the way he and Bdubs grinned at each other on vote day made Doc's heart twist, but all he could do was frown and glare.

The shopping district was covered in lush, green grass for a while until the mycelium made a comeback, and before a month had passed it had turned into a full blown Turf War. The HEP vs The Mycelium Resistance.

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