Eyes - watcher concept, double life

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591 words. This is me trying out a concept, where watchers wear masks because their eyes are so dark that it hurts players to see them. This is set in double life somewhere between episode 4 and 5.

His eyes burned with icy shadows. Black spilled out of the sockets like stars glowing in the sky. They were like a million headlights on a quiet road at midnight. Blinding did not describe the extent of their intensity. It was like the void itself was spilling out of his eyes, shadows so dark in such a nature that they were bright. It was like black ink staining a cloth, eating any colour other than its own. It was like the stars, the sun and the moon had all gone out and only darkness was left. Instead of dark being a shadow of light it was like light was a shadow of dark.

Scar stood frozen by the entrance, knowing that he probably shouldn't be there yet unable to look away. It was like the darkness was holding onto his own eyes, grabbing him and putting him into a trance. It was dark. So so dark. It seemed to spread across his vision and hide his surroundings, engulfing any light. A sense of doom washed over him like the sea over sand at a beach. The darkness was too much. It was everywhere. It was inescapable. A pain sunk into his head and body rapidly yet peacefully. He tried to breathe and he couldn't. He was being suffocated.

"G- Grian..." he said as his air was taken and he was strangled. The male a few metres in front of him turned in shock.

"Scar!" He yelled, bordering on concern, confusion and panic. His eyes pierced through his soul. They saw everything. The blond turned away from the admin's screen he'd previously been working on and frantically looked around, before picking something up and putting it over his face. The infinite whispering darkness trickled out of his view like streams of black were being collected up into a bucket. "Scar, are you okay?!"

"Wh... your eyes, Grian..." Scar said as the ringing pain that had momentarily wrapped around him like a snake slowly began to slither away. He looked up, noticing that he'd fallen at some point, and saw a white mask covering his soulmate's unnatural eyes.

"Sorry, I didn't realise you were around." Grian explained, giving him a hand up.

"I have a lot of questions." He said, somehow talking logically despite still being in shock.

"Yeah, um..." Scar couldn't make out his expression beneath the mask, but it was clear that he was thinking. "I'm not... I'm not exactly human."

"No kidding."

"Mm." The hermit went quiet. Somewhat solemn.

"How come I'm only finding this out now? We've been friends for years." Scar asked playfully as he recovered quickly.

"It's not... you're the first person to know, Scar, and you can't tell anyone. Not a living soul do you understand?" His voice, unlike its usual tone, was serious. Deadly serious.

"Yes, I understand. But why not? Those eyes are really cool, they're darker than the void, oh my god do you have powers?" The builder began getting excited.

"I can't tell anyone because, well, my species isn't really well-liked."

"Oh..." he suddenly felt a bit guilty that Grian had to hide himself, even from his best friends. "What's it- what's your species called?"

Grian went still and silent for a moment.

"You can't tell anyone Scar, I mean that." He said.

"I understand. My lips are zipped."

"Not anyone at all."

"I get it. Not one person."

"If you do, I'll be banned from Hermitcraft and hunted down because my identity will be known."

Scar nodded.

"We're called Watchers."

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