Not Another - Xisuma-centric (request)

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This is set when the Empires were still on Hermitcraft, and it is a request from @Falcon075 but it was sent a few months ago and WATTPAD DIDNT NOTIFY ME soooooo it's very late. Anyway enjoy!

No one quite knew how it all came about, but it had. Whether it was the Empires people or the Hermitcraft people who had made the first move was unclear and, by this point, irrelevant.  Someone had done something. Someone had retaliated. Someone had retaliated back. Someone retaliated back even harder. Someone retaliated back again, this time even harder. It had escalated very quickly in matter of days and now everyone was just angry (in a non-serious manner, of course) and no one really cared enough to track it back.

An impromptu meeting of sorts seemed to be in progress after someone's base had been pranked, specifically, lava-d and then water-d. Xisuma had found himself unable to ignore the action when his communicator had practically lifted him into the sky because of how much it was buzzing with the onslaught of messages.

"Don't worry Bdubs, we'll help you remove the obsidian." Cleo reassured him.

"I don't want help I want revenge!" Bdubs yelled.

"That's all we ever wanted!" Joel yelled back.

"Now, now my little younglings, I have experience with this," Grian said enticingly, gathering their attention, "and I happen to know a very sexy solution."

He hesitated for dramatic effect.


The crowd went wild with yelling and shouting and promises of vengeance. A couple of people even drew their swords. Xisuma rolled his eyes.

"Grian, not again." Impulse said.

"Yes again." Doc said.

"We will fight for the honour and glory of Hermitcraft!" Tango yelled above everyone else.

"For the greatness of our Empires!" fWhip yelled back.

Ugh god. Xisuma thought. And who, after this war, would be cleaning up? And who would spend countless hours monitoring everything to make sure nothing got out of hand and actually became dangerous? Him.

"We will destroy you!" Timmy said.

"Don't flatter yourself, you've never seen us in action." Cleo said.

"Have you even seen Doc's perimeter? We can do a lot of damage if we put our mind to it." False said.

"So can we." Scott replied. "We're not intimidated by you."

"You should be." Ren said.

Xisuma took a deep breath, a feeling he really didn't like burning away in his chest.

"No." He muttered. No one heard.

"Is that a threat?" Lizzie asked.


"Two can play at that game." Said Joel. "This is your server after all, and we have a lot of TNT."

"Our server has our stuff. Our resources after how long to collect them? We're way ahead in this game." Bdubs counteracted.

"You won't have all those resources when we burn them all." Jimmy pointed out.

"No." Xisuma said to him. "You're not going to burn anything."

"It's in the name of war." Joel grinned in response to him.

"THERE IS NOT GOING TO BE A WAR!" Xisuma shouted at the top of his lungs before he could convince himself not to. The group went silent very suddenly. "IS THAT CLEAR?!"

Everyone nodded or muttered apologies. Xisuma lowered his head.

"Sorry." He sighed.

"No, we're sorry, we'll do something else. Something less destructive." Grian said.

"Thank you." He said sheepishly. How could he get so angry in front of not just the hermits but also guests? He glanced up and noticed Grian smile reassuringly at him. It was strange and it was obviously just him being crazy, but X always got the impression that Grian could see him, despite his helmet. He tried not to think too much of it.

"What's that? Grian just said that he wanted something not to be destructive willingly?" Pearl said.

"I think the Rift might be doing things to him." Timmy said thoughtfully.

"Shut up." Grian smirked.

Joe put a hand on X's shoulder as a chatter fell over the group.

"Maybe another minigame tournament if we can fit it in before the Rift closes?" xB suggested next to him.

"I don't think it will really be necessary. I think it'll die down on its own and everyone just got a bit excited there." Joe said as they watched everyone. He then smiled at X.

"Myself included, apparently." The admin said.

"Don't worry. It's okay to get angry once in a while, and if I were you I definitely wouldn't have as much patience as you do." Joe reassured him.

"Thanks." Xisuma said as some of the people began to leave.

If anyone else has any requests, feel free to ask. I need either inspo to write anything other than Watcher Grian (I love that concept like you would not believe) or excuses to write Watcher Grian.

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