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"Honey! Will you please come down for breakfast?" my mother shouted at me from downstairs in the kitchen. As I was walking down the stairs I bumped into my father. I just ignored him and kept walking to the kitchen so that I could eat breakfast, and then leave for school.

"Good morning sweetie. Did you sleep well?" mother asked me after I sat down at the table to eat.

"Good morning, and yes I did. Thank you for asking. Did you sleep well?" I asked her back. She just hummed telling me that she did. That's when my father walked into the room. The moment he stepped foot into the room I put a cold expression on my face, and ignored him yet again.

"Good morning son. Good morning my beautiful wife. How are you two feeling this fine wonderful morning?" he asked looking at the both of us. I didn't say anything and kept eating my pancakes. My father looked at me waiting for an answer (one he did NOT get). He just sighed and sat down at the table.

After I finished eating my food I excused myself from the table and went back upstairs to brush my teeth and also grab my backpack. After that I went back downstairs and put my shoes on. I walked to the kitchen and told my mom that I was leaving and that I wish she has a good day at work. Father offered to take me to school but I refused and said I would rather walk.

.   .   .

"HEY MEANHOE!" Is the first thing I hear my friends say to me the second I walk onto the school grounds. I turn around and sure enough my stupid friends are running over to me.

"What do you want this time Hyunjin?" I asked in annoyance turning back around to resume my walk to the locker area.

"Did you know there is a new student coming to our school today?" he said with so much excitement. After hearing that question I stopped walking and turned back around to face Hyunjin.

"Are you for real? This is a joke right? Why would-" I started but was cut off by the one and only...Hyunjin.

"No. I'm not lying to you. I am 100% telling you the truth. I swear on it." Hyunjin said as he put his hand over his heart. 

I'm gonna bet you are wondering why our school getting a new student is such a big deal. Well let me tell you why it's such a big deal. This school isn't that popular. It's not very often that this school gets new students. That's why the last time we had a new student that person is still known as "The new kid". So now that we are getting another new student they will be known as "The new kid".

I wonder what this person is gonna be like. I also wonder what the gender of the kid is. What grade they are in. And so forth. As I was lost in my own thoughts I didn't notice the several different hands waving in front of my face. I finally snapped out of it and looked towards Hyunjin with an intense look on my face making him take a step back and away from me.

"What?" he asked nervously.

"Do you know the new kids gender? Or the name?" I asked, getting more and more curious about this person with every passing second.

"No, I don't know the gender. I also don't know the name. I only know that there is a new student because the school posted it on the school website page." he said back answering my questions.

"So you know nothing about this person. Okay, well whoever they are I want to make them part of our friend group." I said back.

"Why tho? Are we not enough for you Minho?" Changbin asked as he clinged onto a light post.

"...I think something went wrong with his birth." Felix said as he shook his head at what his boyfie is doing.

"Yet you still date him." I said finally walking to my locker and heading to my first class. History. Ew.

.   .   .

As I was waiting for my teacher to start the class I put my head down on my desk and fell asleep. Next thing I know I'm being woken up by the door opening and my teacher walking in with someone behind her.

"Good morning class! Today we have a new student joining us. I want you to treat him nicely." She said before turning to the said boy asking him to introduce himself to the class.

"Um...hi? I'm Han Jisung. I like music and cheesecake. I hope that you treat me well. I can't wait to get to know you." Jisung said awkwardly before bowing.

"Wonderful! You can go and sit besides Lee Minho. Minho raise your hand." Teacher said and I raised my hand still not looking up from the book I started reading the moment I saw the teacher walk in (meaning I didn't see what the new kid looks like).

I felt a presence beside me so I looked up and I saw a giant squirrel boy looking at me nervously. I looked down to the seat he was supposed to sit at and realised that my bag was on the chair. I quickly apologized and moved my bag out of the way so that he could sit down. Once he sat down he looked at me and smiled.

"Hi! I'm Han Jisung. But you can call me Han, Hannie, Jisung, Sungie, or whatever you would like. I don't mind." He said, seeming to no longer be nervous.

"Hey. I'm Lee Minho. You can call me Minho hyung or just hyung since I'm older than you." I said, showing him a small smile. Halfway into class I decided to poke Han in the shoulder and then proceed to act like I didn't do anything when he looked at me with a questioning look on his face.

"What? Did you need something?" Jisung asked, turning to look at me.

"Yeah. Do you want to eat lunch with me and my friends?" I asked him finally, poking him as I asked him the question.

"Yeah, sure. How many friends do you have? Two?" He said with a teasing tone.

"How about you try six." I said with a straight face. A small smirk appeared on my face the moment I saw the look on his face. It was one of pure shock.

" You have a lot of friends. Are they at least nice?" He asked another question.

"Yes, they are nice. But a downside is that none of them is normal. Well...maybe Chan is. I don't know. Doesn't matter. I'll see you at the door when the bell rings. Okay?" I said before turning back to the teachers hour long lecture.
HI! I hope that you like Minsung!

HI! I hope that you like Minsung!

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