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"No, stop! You can't put that in there yet! It's not ready!" Jisung exclaimed.

"Why not? It looks ready to me." I told Jisung as I went to put the brownie batter into the baking pan so that it could be put into the oven to bake.

"Yah, Minho! I still need to mix in the chocolate chips and grease the pan!" Jisung said as he took the bowl of batter out of my hands and set it back down on top of the counter opposite from me so that I couldn't pick it back up.

"Fine, if you say that it's not done yet, then I guess I'll just have to find something else to eat." I said before turning towards Jisung and cornering him against the counter before leaning down and lightly pressing a kiss onto his shoulder making him giggle.

"Stop it." Jisung said as he tried to stop himself from laughing.

"Oh, are you ticklish?" I asked as I moved to press my fingers against his sides gently tickling him as he started to laugh uncontrollably the more that I tickled his sides.

"No, no, stop it! Please, it tickles!" Jisung cried out as tears started to prick at his eyes the harder that he laughed.

After a couple more minutes of Jisung pleading for me to give him mercy I stopped tickling him. As Jisung was calming down from his laughing fit, I took theme time to look at his face and memorize his facial expressions. The way that his eyes crinkle whenever he laughs or smiles, the way that he scrunches up his nose whenever he is in deep thought of something, or how he fidgets whenever he gets nervous about something. Everything about him is just so adorable.

"I love you, Jisung, and I hope that you never forget that." I said gently as I cupped his face in my hands.

"W-what? Y-you can't just say that out of the blue..." Jisung said, trailing off as he began to blush as red as an apple.

"Why can't I? Do you not want to say it back?" I asked him.

"N-no. I love you too, it's just was so sudden that it shocked me." Jisung said, smiling up at me with the most adorable face ever.

"You're so cute... Please never change, no matter what anyone may or may not tell you, okay?" I told him softly.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because you are perfect just the way you are. There isn't a single thing about you that needs to be changed. That's why. Promise me that you won't change who you are." I told him.

"Hmm...I promise. Will you promise me the same thing?" Jisung asked me back.

"I promise as well. Now we should probably finish getting the brownie batter done so that we can put it in the oven." I said as I pulled away from Jisung and grabbed the bag of chocolate chips to pour into the brownie batter.

As we were finishing up with making the brownies, I heard the front door open and my father yelling that he was home from work. I poured the brownie mix into the pan that Jisung had greased up before spreading it out evenly and putting it into the oven to bake. After I closed the oven door, Jisung set a timer for 15 minutes. When we were done with that, I went over to the sink where Jisung was and started helping him with all of the dishes that we needed to clean up. Just as we were about to finish cleaning up all of the dishes and putting them away, my so-called father walked into the room.

"Where are your friends?" He asked as soon as he saw me and Jisung by the sink.

"They went home a few hours ago. Why do you care?" I asked back and rolled my eyes.

"If they went home, then why is he still here? Don't you think that he should have left with all of your other friends?" He questioned again.

"Jisung is staying here again. So I told him that he could stay over and spend the day. Again, why do you care? Him being here has absolutely nothing to do with at all." I said back to him as I was beginning to get annoyed with him.

"Oh really? And who allowed that? Because I know for a fact that I didn't say that he could stay overnight again." Father told me.

"Mum said that he could stay. Besides, you're not the person I go to for questions anyway. You should have known that I would've asked mum." I said before turning to face the oven since the timer was going to go off soon.

Just as my father was about to say something back the oven timer went off. I pulled on the oven mitts before opening the oven and pulling the oven rack out gently until it was half way out of the oven. After I did that I quickly but gently picked up the pan with our brownie mix in it and set it down on a towel that Jisung had placed on top of the counter top. Once I was done with doing that, I took off the mitts and set them down on the counter by the hot pan.

"They smell really good, don't you think Jisung?" I asked as I turned to look at him.

"Yeah, they do. But I bet that they will also taste really good. I'll grab a knife so that we can cut them once they've cooled down.

"Okay Sungie." I replied.

"Are you ignoring me young man!? Who the hell do you think you are?" My father roared out in rage.

"Yes, I am ignoring you. So how about you turn around and leave now?" I snapped at him as I turned around and glowered at him in disgust.

"You should be grateful that I don't put you in place right here, right now in front of your little....friend." My father said in disgust when he looked Jisung up and down as he said the word 'friend'.

"Don't look or talk about Jisung like that you asshole! Who gave you the right to judge a person that you don't even know before getting to know them?" I said, taking a step closer to him before stopping to look at Jisung as he gripped onto the back of my shirt in hopes of getting me to stop and calm down.

"Please...don't do anything. It's fine, okay?" Jisung said in a whisper as he tightened his grip on the back of my shirt.

"Okay, I'm sorry Sungie. I won't do anything." I told him softly as I pulled him into a comforting hug.

"Disgusting." My father said before storming out of the room and up the stairs.

"Don't let him and his words get to you, okay? Nothing that he said is even slightly true, you got that? What he said and did was wrong. Not you." I told Jisung sweetly as I gently ran my fingers through his hair in hopes that it would help calm him down.

"Okay. I believe you." Jisung mumbled as he buried his face into my chest.

"Good. I love you baby." I whispered quietly and kissed him on the top of his head lightly.

"I love you too." Jisung said with a giggle.

"I know you do, Ji. I know" I mumbled with a chuckle.

"We should be able to cut the brownies now." Jisung said as he tried to get out of the tight hug I had him in.

"Mhm...why don't we stay like this for a little bit longer? I like being able to hold you for long periods of time like this. It's nice." I hummed, pulling him even closer to me than before.

"Uh-...okay." He said, hugging me back with a small happy smile on his face.

"You're so goddamn cute it's driving me insane..." I chuckled as Jisung let out an adorable giggle.

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