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[Minho's P.O.V]

"His name is Wolfie." I heard Jisung say to Chan hyung as he pet the wolf's head gently. "Me and Minho hyung found him when we woke up in the flower field."

Chan shot me a dirty look before looking back towards Jisung and Wolfie. He sighed. I watched as he walked up to Jisung and Wolfie gently patted the wolf's head.

"He's cute. He hasn't tried to hurt you, has he?" Chan asked hesitantly.

"Nope! Isn't he just the cutest thing that you have ever seen!?!?!" Jisung cooed loudly as he busted out in UWU's. Me and Chan shared a look.

"Yes Sung, but you need to go to sleep now. You must be really tired from all of the events that have happened today. Am I right?" Chan asked Jisung softly as he steered Jisung towards our tent.

After a few minutes Chan came back over to me and gave me a look that screamed "Explain!" at me. After I told him everything that had happened after I took Jisung away from the group and into the forest, he let out a defeated sigh.

"What's with the sighing?" I asked questionably.

"You could have gotten lost! What were you thinking, taking Jisung away and into the forest like that!?!?" Chan whisper yelled at me.

"Relax~ We wouldn't have gotten lost." I said calmly, as I started to make my way to mine and Jisung's tent.

"How do you know that you wouldn't have gotten lost!?" Chan asked in a shocked tone. "God. Why can't you admit that you were wrong for once? Why does your ego have to always be so big, huh?" Chan said in a pissed tone.

"1. I know this forest like the back of my hand. 2. My ego is NOT big. 3. I do admit when I'm wrong. Just not all of the time." I said, already tired of this conversation.

"Oh yeah, and do you mind explaining just how you know this forest like it's the back of your hand? Because I don't believe you unless you tell me a good reason for your statement." Chan said.

"I go to this forest every single time I go camping with my aunt, uncle, and cousins. And mind I tell you, it's pretty often that they go camping and ask me to tag along with them. If I say 'no' it'll upset the younger ones, so I just say 'yes' and tag along. Besides, it's really fun hanging out with all of them." I said, explaining how I know this forest like the back of my hand.

"Whatever. Just go to sleep. It's really late, and we have a lot planned for tomorrow. Also, I'm sorry for yelling at you and also for not trusting you." Chan said.

"It's alright Hyung. You were just worried. I understand that. I'm sorry for scaring you, and for making you worry so much. Sleep well." I said before going into my tent only to see Jisung cuddled up with Wolfie passed out sleeping.

'Awww~' I thought to myself as I pulled out my phone and took a picture of them, and setting it as my new home screen wallpaper. After that I started to get ready to go to sleep.

Sorry I took so long to update!

I hope that you enjoy this chapter.

Also! If you have any ideas for future chapters please let me know!

Anyways, please look forward to the next chapter!!!

:3  Ily!

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