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I don't even know how I got myself stuck in this situation. Here I am, in the water with Jisung sitting on my shoulders while Changbin held Felix on his. They were water wrestling with each other and they were using me and Changbin to keep them held up.

"Hey Minho! Can you come here? I need your help with something!" I heard Chan Hyung yell for me just as I was letting Jisung get down from my shoulders.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a minute!" I yelled back, still helping Jisung get down from my shoulders. Once he was down I started to swim back to shore to see what Chan Hyung needed help with. "What did you need help with?" I asked once I got near him.

"Can you help me set this up please?" He asked as he pointed to the grill that we had brought along with us.

"Yeah sure. Do you still have the instructions on how to put it together?" I asked as I crouched down to look at the dismantled grill in front of me.

"Yeah, give me a minute to go and grab it for you." Chan said before walking off to get me the instruction book. After a few minutes he came back and handed me the instructions.

Once I had the instructions I started to put the grill together while Chan started to prepare the food that he was going to cook for us to eat. As I was putting the grill together, Jisung came over and asked what I was doing. I had told him that Chan needed help putting the grill together. After I said that I had put the last piece in place, completing the grill.

"Chan, I'm done putting the grill together for you!!" I yelled for him to hear.

"Okay! Thank you Minho!!" He yelled back.

I turned to Jisung. "Can we cuddle?" I asked Jisung.

"Of course we can! Come on, let's go find a good place to sit." Jisung said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me to a calmer spot away from the others.

I sat down and pulled Jisung onto my lap, and ley=t him get comfortable before wrapping my arms around his waist. Once he was comfortable I put my head in the crook of his neck and started to doze off into a nice and peaceful slumber. Before I completely fell asleep I heard Jisung tell me to sleep well. I mumbled something back but I don't even know what I had said. After that I fell asleep.

. . .

I felt myself waking up to quiet mumbles. I let out tired mumbles as I moved around a bit and pulled Jisung even closer to me, not wanting him to be away from me. After I did that the quiet mumbles stopped and I felt Jisung put his hand in my hair running it through my hair again and again making me want to fall back asleep.

"Jisung, if you keep doing that he's gonna fall back asleep." I heard Chan Hyung say softly to Sung.

"But his hair is so soft and fluffy!~" Jisung whined as he ran his hand through my hair before fluffing it so that he could make his point clear to Chan.

"What were the two of you talking about? Was it something important that I had interrupted?" I mumbled as I snuggled back into Jisung feeling like I was going to fall back asleep any second.

"It was nothing MinMin. Go back to sleep." Jisung whispered into my ear softly as he wrapped his arms around my body.

"Mmhmm...okay Sungie. Night." I mumbled out in a lazy tone as I fell back asleep in Jisung arms once again.

"Sleep well Hyung." Is the last thing I heard before I passed out cold.









Hey, sorry that it took me so long to finally update.

If you have anything you would like to say please leave it in the comments.

Also, I'm still working on the surprise that I promised you all.

So please be expecting that as well!

Bye, and I love you all lots~

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