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Later that day after school I found myself laying down on my bed thinking about what I wanted to do since I was bored out of my mind when I got a text from an unknown phone number.

[Text conversation]

Unknown number: Hey, do you wanna go to a party with me and the others?

Um...sorry? No. I don't know who you are. :Minho

Unknown number: Oh right. Sorry. It's Jisung. You know the squirrel boy...

Oh. How did you even get my number? I never gave it to you. :Minho

{Do you want to change 'Unknown number' to Hannie?} Yes or No

Hannie: Felix gave it to me. He told me to ask you if you wanted to come to aparty with us. I told him that I would ask, and now here we are.

Yeah, sure.

I'll come with you, but you're gonna have to tell Chan to pick me up. :Minho

Hannie: Okay. We'll be there soon so get ready. Bye~

Bye. :Minho

. . .

As I was waiting for Chan to get here so that he can pick me up for the party that we're going to I decided to go get something to eat while I wait. I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge to see if there was anything that I wanted to eat. I saw some leftover kimchi fried rice from dinner and so I pulled out the container and started to heat up the food in the microwave so that I could eat it. As it was cooking I saw my father walk into the kitchen and look at me.

"Minho. What are you doing in the kitchen?" Father asked.

"...making something to eat?" I said sarcastically but in a questioning tone.

"Don't get smart with me boy. I'm your father. So treat me with respect." He said with anger in his tone of voice.

"Or what?" I asked with a smug smirk on my face.

"Or else-" He started but got cut off by a car honk.

I opened the microwave, pulled out my food, grabbed a spoon, and then walked past my father but I stopped to smirk at him once again before finally leaving. I could tell that he was mad and he knew that I knew he was mad, making him even angrier.

"Hey Minho(e)! Welcome to the car full of gays!" Chan yelled as soon as he saw me walk out of my house.

"Shut up Chan! You need to stop being weird." I snapped back as I sat down in the back, and started to eat my food.

As Chan was driving to the party I looked around the car to see who was in it. It was Chan and I.N. in the front, Hyunjin, Seungmin, and Felix in the middle row, then lastly, me, Jisung, and Changbin in the back. I noticed that Jisung had earbuds in and was listening to some type of music with Changbin while they spoke quietly amongst each other.

'Hmmm. I wonder what they are talking about.' I thought to myself as I looked out the window.

After a while we finally got to the party and I had also ended up eating all of my food on the way to the party. Damn... I got out of the car and walked up onto the sidewalk and waited for the others to get out of the car so that Chan could lock the car up. As we were walking up to the front door of the house I looked around and saw that there were already so many drunk people passed out in the grass or vomiting in the bushes.

The moment we got into the house Chan and I.N. walked off with each other and I don't even know where the others went. I walked around and decided to stay in the kitchen for the night. Deciding that I wanted something to drink I grabbed an empty red solo cup and filled it with water from the faucet and took a quick drink making sure that I don't put my cud down or down far enough so that someone can drug my water. As I walked around I saw that some of my friends were already wasted.


I guess I'm the designated driver tonight. I'm okay with that. I keep walking around until I ran into Chan.

"Hey Chan! I was just about to start looking for everyone since I thought that I was the only sober one out of all of us." I said once I noticed that he wasn't drunk like the others.

"No, I'm sober. I was going to be the driver." He said with a tired sigh.

"Do you want me to drive tonight so that you can cuddle Innie in the back of the car tonight?" I asked softly.

"Will you really?" He asked hopefully.

"Keys." I said as I held my hand out waiting for him to give me the keys to his car. After he hands them to me I put them in my pocket. "Let's gather everyone up and head home." I said before we both split up to look for all of our friends.

Hey, sorry that it took me so long to upload this but I hope that you enjoy it.
If you have any ideas for the next chapter then please let me know what they are! I would love to know!

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