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"Imma punch you in the face! Come back here you damn squirrel!" I yelled at Jisung as he ran away from me to hide behind Chan hyung.

"You can't get me~ Nah nah nan nah~" He said in a sing-song voice, making me even madder.

"Chan. If you value your life, you better give me the squirrel, and move out of the way." I said in such a calm voice that let him know that he shouldn't test me right now. Chan let out a nervous laugh before pushing Jisung in front of him before he hid himself behind Jeongin.

Smirking, I grab Jisung by the arm and drag him away from the rest of the group and back into the forest. What the others don't know is that I know this forest like it is the back of my hand.

"H-hyung...where are you taking me?" He asked with fear in his voice.

"The place I'm gonna take your life. Now be a good boy and stay quiet. If you don't I'll leave you in the woods for all of the wild animals, I bet that they would LOVE to eat squirrel tonight for dinner tonight. You don't want that, now do you?" I asked as I continued to scare him. Little did he know, I was only joking around with him.

"I-I'm sorry! Please don't feed me to the wild animals! I didn't mean to make you mad!" Jisung yelled as he tried to get out of my grip.

After a few minutes of walking around I found the spot that I planned to tell Jisung that I was leaving him. I gently pushed him in front of me before saying, "Goodbye Han Jisung. See you in the afterlife."

"P-please don't leave me hyung. Please, I'm really sorry." Jisung said in such a quiet tone that it made me turn around to look at him.

"Aish, don't cry Sungie. I wasn't actually gonna leave you here alone." I said softly as I walked up to him and pulled him into a hug. He wrapped his arms around me tightly, and refused to let go of me.

"Promise?" He asked in such an adorable voice that was going to be the death of me one of these days.

"I promise. Don't worry, I know how to get back to the others if you want to go back to the campsite." I mumbled softly into his ear hoping that it would help calm him down.

"Can we stay here for a little while? I find it really peaceful for some odd reason." Jisung said cutely.

"Okay, we can stay here for a bit. But we can't be too long or else the others will get worried." I said as I sat down.

"Thank you hyung. Also, can I please sit on your lap?" He asked shyly.

"Awww~ does Jisungie want to sit on his hyungie's lap?~" I said in a teasing voice as he blushed madly.

"Please~" He wined.

"Okay, okay, fine. Come here." I said with a gentle laugh as I patted my lap and leaned against one of the trees that wasn't that far behind me.

"Yay!~" He cheered before getting on my lap and cuddling up to my body.

'Cute~' I thought to myself as I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sound of the singing birds and the warmth that was radiating off of Jisung's body.

Hey every one! 

Hope that you liked this chapter.

I love and appreciate everyone who has been reading my trashy book.

I'll keep trying my best to keep it entertaining for you to read!


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