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"Hey Jisung, it's time for you to wake up now. I need you to tell me which one of these houses is the one that you live in. Can you please do that for me?" I asked him in a gentle voice so that I wouldn;t startle him awake from the peaceful slumber that he was in right now.

"Hmm do I have too? I don't want you to leave." Jisung mumbled out as he buried his face even deeper into my neck as he began to fall back asleep.

"Okay, just look up and point to which house is yours for me alright?" I asked him. He looked up from where his head had been and looked around for a few seconds before he pointed to a house that was only a few buildings away from where we were standing.

"Alright baby, now you can go back to sleep." I said quietly.

I began to walk over to the house that Jisung had pointed at and stopped in front of the little fence that was surrounding the whole house. As I was standing there I decided to look around at the front of the house and noticed that it was one of the smaller houses that was in this neighborhood. The second thing that I had noticed was the little dog house placed at the farthest corner of the fence. Even though it was a dog house, it didn't look like it was being used by a dog. As my eyes wandered around some more I noticed that the house was painted white and because of that the bright and pretty flowers that were planted around the house really made it stand out a bit more than the other houses around.

After I had looked around the front of the house I noticed that there was a small cat sitting inside by the window near the front door looking straight at me while I was still holding a sleeping Jisung. With that, I walked up to the front door and knocked on it a few times. While I waited I looked down at the area where I had seen the cat sitting and saw that it was still staring at me and Jisung. As I was watching the cat, the front door had opened and a middle aged man appeared behind it. As I was looking at the man I noticed that he had slightly graying hair and beard. I also noticed that he was in plaid pajama pants, a plain baggy white t-shirt, and slippers.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" The unknown man that I assume was Jisung's father had asked me.

"Oh, well I'm here to drop off Jisung. He ended up falling asleep on the way here so that's why I'm carrying him. Am I at the right house?" I asked the man.

"Yes you are. I'm his father. Would you like to come in?" He asked me and stepped out of the way so that I could enter the house.

"I'm just here to make sure that he gets home safe. I'll leave after I put him to bed. Is that alright with you sir?" I asked him politely.

"You may. His room is upstairs, second door on the left. It won't be that hard to miss." The man said back to me.

"Thank you. I'll be out of your house soon, I promise." I said before heading up the stairs and going left.

As I was walking down the hallway looking for Jisungs room I couldn't help but notice all of the photos that were hanging up on the walls. I stopped in front of one of the photos and looked at it closely. As I was looking at the photo I realized that two of the little boys in it were Changbin and Felix when they were still young. I also noticed that they were both standing on opposite sides of another boy that I recognized as Jisung when he was still really young as well. As I was looking at the picture I didn't seem to notice that Jisung had woken up from his sleep and was now looking up at me with a slight blush on his face. My attention was put back onto Jisung when I noticed that he was awake and becoming a shy blushing mess. I couldn't help but smile down at him the more flustered that he was becoming.

"Minho, what are you doing in my house?" Jisung whined cutely.

"Looking at the baby photos that are hanging up on your wall." I replied back to him.

"But why?" He asked me.

"Because first of all you are absolutely adorable. And second of all, they are hanging here anyway. So why shouldn't I be looking at them? You look cute in them, especially that one." I said as I pointed to the photo of him, Felix, and Changbin all together.

Jisung looked over to the photo that I was pointing at before a small smile appeared on his face as he continued to look at it. Throughout this whole entire counter, I just watched him and his reactions. As Jisung was looking at all of the photos hanging up it made me think that he probably forgot that I was still standing inside of his house with him still being held up in my arms. Just as I was about to say something, Jisung began to speak.

"Y''s been a long time since I got to hang out with any of my friends until I met you and the others. It makes me happy to have been given the opportunity to meet such amazing people and new friends, so thank you." Jisung said before looking back up at me with teary eyes.

"What are you thanking me for? I didn't do anything. You are the one that should be getting thanked by me." I told him as I felt my own eyes start to grow watery.

"Why do you want to thank me? What have I done to deserve a thank you?" Jisung asked me as his head tilted in confusion.

"If you didn't come into my life at the time that you had, then I don't know where I would be right now. It's because of you that I finally feel like I belong somewhere. If you hadn't walked into my life that day, then I don't think that I would be as open with people that way that I am right now. It's because of you that I finally feel like there is someone in this shitty world that somebody actually loves and cares about me. So thank you Han Jisung." I said as I felt the tears start to fall from my eyes.

"What are you talking about? You still had the rest of our friends who were always there for you." Jisung had said as his own tears had begun to fall from his own eyes.

"I was so closed off from reality that I couldn't see that they had always loved and cared for me. You help me realize that I am loved and cared for. You helped me realize that there are people out in this world who do want me." I told him as even more tears fell from my eyes.

"I love you Lee Minho, and so do the rest of our friends. We always will, no matter what." Jisung said before wrapping his arm back around my neck and hugging me tightly as he continued to cry.

"I love you too, Squirrel, and all of the others as well. Thank you for accepting and loving me." I said back to him as I hugged him back just as tightly.

"Are you two love birds done yet? You're blocking the way to the bathroom." An unfamiliar woman's voice said suddenly, making both me and Jisung jump out of surprise.

"Mom!? S-sorry!" Jisung exclaimed in shock, making the women or better yet Jisung's mother chuckle lightly.

"Your father had said that a friend of yours had brought you home and took you upstairs to your room...but I take it that you didn't make it that far yet, am I right?" The woman asked.

"I'm sorry, I was taking him to his room before getting distracted by all of the photos hanging up on the wall." I said before putting Jisung down on his feet before letting go of him, making him pout slightly.

"Oh no you're fine honey, but do you mind moving for a second? I still need to get to the restroom." She said with a light chuckle making my eyes widen and quickly move out of the way as I apologized.

"Jisung baby, do you mind taking your friend downstairs? Dinner is almost ready and it would be a great joy if he stayed for dinner, don't you think so?" She asked him.

"Sorry, but I really need to get back home." I said politely.

"Please? Will you please stay for dinner tonight?" Jisung asked me softly.

"Alright, but I really can't stay for too long, okay?" I asked him before following him downstairs to where they will be holding dinner.

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