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[Jisung's P.O.V]

I decided to go and see if Minho was okay because something about him seemed off after Chan had asked him that question. I have never seen Minho answer a question with so much hesitation before. All of these thoughts and questions were filling my head as I walked over to our tent. Once I was at the tent I gently opened the 'door' of the tent and stepped in. When I saw the state that Minho Hyung was in, it made my heart ache. I walked up to him and placed my hand on his shoulder lightly.

"Hyung...a-are you okay? Is something bothering you?" I asked, sitting down beside him so that I could wrap my arms around him as a gesture for comfort.

"Mhmm...I'm fine..." He mumbled as he snuggled his head into my neck as he pulled me onto his lap, leaving his hands wrapped around my waist firmly.

"Are you sure? Do you wanna talk about it? I know that something is bothering you. Please tell me..." I asked pleadingly.

"...O-okay Sungie." He mumbled out with a shaky breath.

"Just take your time okay?" I whispered into his hair softly, getting a nod back from him as a response.

"W-well...I will sometimes come here and explore the forest...without my family..." Minho started.

"Why Hyung?" I asked, lightly pushing him to keep talking to me.

"W-well...y-you see...I would come here to get away from get away from home, school, and most" Minho said as he whispered the last part.

"Why do you feel like you have to get away from yourself? Or your family?" I asked hesitantly.

"I-..." He started.

"You don't have to answer that if you're not ready, Hyung. I won't force you to tell me if you're not ready to tell anyone." I said, pulling him closer to me as I tightened my grip around him.

"T-thank you Jisung...I often come here to get away from my thoughts. You've seen how pretty and calming it is. I like to just lay down and NOT think about anything in life. I only think of the good things in my life. I try to remind myself that life isn't all that bad. That there is so much good in my life." Minho said as he hugged me even tighter.

"Shh...don't worry Hyung. I'm here for you. All of our friends are here for you as well. Even Wolfie! You are one of the best people ever and I'm so glad that I can call you my boyfriend! You wanna know why?" I asked him.

"Mhmm...why?" He mumbled out softly as he looked up at me.

"It's because they love you Min! It's because I love you. More than anything else in the whole world. And if anyone tells you otherwise...then they are lying to you. Because you are worth it! You're nice, funny, charming, and overall just perfect and beautiful. And yeah, I know that sounds really cringey, but it's all true!" I said, wiping the tears off of Minho's face since he had started crying.

"I love you too, Sungie." Minho mumbled with a quiet chuckle as he laid down, keeping me on top of him, making me let out soft giggles.

"Good. Because even if you didn't...I wouldn't have stopped loving you anyway. Let's go to sleep now." I mumbled gently as I slowly ran my hands through his hair as he started to fall asleep under me.

{Some time later}

A while later I found myself waking up to a light being flashed in front of my face. I let out a groan and rolled over, as I felt Minho Hyung pull me closer to his chest.

"'ve gotta wake up!" I heard somebody whisper shout to me.

"Mhmm...why though?" I whined as I snuggled up in Minho Hyung's warm and welcoming arms.

"Don't you wanna go and see the stars with us? C'mon! Get up!~" The person whined at me again. This time pulling on my arms trying to get me out of bed.

"Nooo~ I don't wanna get up." I whined with a pout on my face as the person known as Felix pulled me up and out of Minho's warm embrace.

"Well that's too bad. Now get dressed! Everyone is up and ready except for you and Minho Hyung!" Felix said as he dropped me back down on top of Minho while I grunted at the impact. Minho Hyung woke up at the same time.

"Sungie...what's going on?" He asked in his adorable sleepy voice.

"Felix here woke me up. And then he dropped me on top of you. Apparently everyone is up and ready to go stargazing." I said as I snuggled back into Minho's warm and comfy arms.

"Hmm...well then how about we get up and get dressed then so that we can go and look at the stars with them? I know for a fact that you will have a great time looking up at all of the stars." Minho Hyung said as he sat up with me still sitting on his lap.

"Okay...if you say so." I mumbled as I slowly got up from where I was and went over to my bag to get out a pair of shorts to put on.

"Great! Once you're both done getting dressed then we can and go! I'll leave the two of you alone so that you can start getting ready." Felix said before he left the tent.

Hey guys...sorry that it has been so long since I posted!

But, I do hope that you enjoyed this chapter!


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