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It has been so long since Minho was this clingy with anyone. The way he looks at Jisung is so loving. I can tell that he loves Jisung very much, and I know that the others see it too.

The first time that I saw Minho refusing to let go of Jisung was when we were sitting outside during our lunch break and Jisung was asked to go down to the office to pick something up. Minho had REFUSED to let Jisung leave. Minho at first had shown no interest in Jisung but then slowly started to like him.

It was nice seeing Minho act this way again. Ever since the incident, Minho didn't get close to anyone but me and the others. Minho had also grown slightly protective of Jisung. He would also cuddle with Jisung whenever there was a chance. It was really nice seeing the cold Minho start to melt back down to warm Minho. Pulling myself out of my thoughts I decided to ask Jisung a question.

"Hey Jisung. Do you have feelings for Minho at all?" I asked hesitantly.

"N-no. Why do you think that Hyung?" He stuttered out as his body went stiff. I narrowed my eyes at him. "Yes! No! Maybe! I-I don't know, okay!? I think I do, but I just don't know for sure yet. You won't tell Minho Hyung will you?" Jisung asked in fear.

"If you don't want me too, then I won't." I said softly as he let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you." Jisung said.

Just then the other guys started walking over to us. Once they were close enough I had told them to be quieter since Minho was still sleeping. They said okay and we all started talking about all the random things that we had done today. As we were talking Jisung asked what we were going to eat for dinner since he was starting to get hungry.

"I'll go and make something for us to eat. Also, please don't wake Minho up. He really needs the extra hours of sleep." I said softly before walking off to go and make something for all of us to eat.

As I was heating up the grill that Minho had set up for me, I felt something soft run along my leg. I looked down and saw that it was Wolfie. I bent down and pet Wolfie behind the ears and played around with him for a little bit while waiting for the grill to heat up. Once the grill was warmed up I started to put the steak on top of the grill and let it start to cook.

I looked back down at Wolfie and saw that he was looking at me with puppy eyes. I turned back to the grill and grabbed the extra part of the steak that I had cut off of and gave it to Wolfie to eat. Once he was done I started to walk towards the others making sure that Wolfie was following me so that I could tell them to come back to our campsite.

Once I got there I noticed that Minho was awake and was chatting with the rest of the group all while laying his head on Jisung's lap. Just as I was about to tell them that it was time to come back to the camp, Wolfie had jumped on top of Minho as he licked Jisung's face repeatedly.

"Awww, Wolfie~ How did you get here?" Jisung asked while petting the wolf on the head gently.

"I let him follow me here. I came to tell you that it's time to come back to the camp. I'm cooking steak for dinner." I said before walking back towards the camp so that I could check on the food.

"Alright Hyung! We'll be there in a minute." Jisung yelled back as he continued to play around with Wolfie.

I shouted an okay back and continued to walk back to camp. When I got there I walked up to the grill and checked on the food. I flipped the steaks over so that the other side could now start to cook. As I was watching the food cook, I heard that the others were walking back to the camp while talking about random things that they have done in the last week.

"Is the food almost done, Hyung?" Jeongin asked me as he jumped onto my back while wrapping his arms around my neck.

"Yes Innie. It's almost done. What were you up to?" I asked as I continued to cook the steak.

"Well me and the others were just talking about random things, and I found out that Seungminnie Hyung likes Hyunjinnie Hyung! It's about time that they got together. It's just another one of my ships that is going to sail." Innie said excitedly.

"You're so cute Innie. Alright, hop off so that I can cut and plate the food so that we can eat. Will you tell the rest to start cleaning up for me?" I asked as I turned my head to look at him.

"Sure! Anything for my Hyungie." He said before pecking me on the lips and hopping off of my back and I guess running towards the others.

"You two are really cute together." I heard, making me jump.

"Holy sh- Minho? What are you doing here?" I said in surprise.

"I just came to see if you wanted any help. But I guess you don't need it. Besides, I was walking with Jeongin when he jumped on your back." Minho said with a smirk on his face.

"I'm surprised that you aren't cuddling with Jisung right now." I said back while giving him my own smirk. Just then Jisung came and leaned into Minho's side, whining while he held Wolfie in his arms.

"Hyung~ Why did you leave me with those monsters! They kept teasing me." Jisung said with a pout on his face.

"I'm sorry, Sungie. I was wondering if Chan Hyung needed any help with the food." Minho told Jisung as he wrapped his arms around the pouty squirrel.

"Alright you two. Will you go and tell the others to get over here so that we can start eating?" I asked them, effectively putting an end to their conversation.

"Sure thing boss." Minho and Jisung said as they bowed before walking off in a laughing fit.

"Why am I friends with the both of you again?" I asked with a sigh as I rubbed my forehead trying to get rid of my growing headache.

"Don't deny it Hyung! You love us!" Minho yelled back at me from over his shoulder with a smile on his face.

I really have missed seeing Minho happy like this. It's been a really long time. I just hope that he stays happy this time. I don't want the cold Minho to take over him again. After our little banter I started to plate the food that I had made and set it down on the small table that we had brought along with us. A few seconds later everyone gathered around and we started to eat while talking about random nothings. 'Today was an amazing day. Let's hope that tomorrow is as well.' I said to myself as I enjoyed the food that I had cooked.

Boom! New chapter!

Hey, hope that you liked this chapter!

I hope that you war excited for the next one.

I'm gonna try and add a surprise for you.


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