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"So Minho, how did you end up meeting Jisung?" Mrs. Han asked me when everyone was sitting down at the table with a plate of food in front of them.

"Well we met on his first day at school. After he had finished introducing himself to the class he was told by the teacher to sit down in the empty seat next to me. After that I asked him if he would like to be friends." I explained to her.

"Ah, very nice! Jisung, how has everybody been treating you at school? Are they being nice to you?" She asked Jisung just as he was about to take a bite out of his bread roll. Jisung set down his roll before answering his mother.

"Well I made a bunch of new friends on my first day and I also got to reconnect with two of my older friends Felix and Changbin! They all treat me really well." Jisung said back with a small grin on his face.

"What do your parents do for a living, Minho?" Jisung's father suddenly asked me.

"Uh, well my mother is a nurse so she comes home pretty late some nights. She is a really nice and caring person. She is a lot like you Mrs. Han." I told Mr. Han.

"What about your father? What does he do for a living?" He asked me.

"I could care less about what he does for a living." I said with a scoff.

"Why would you say that?" Mrs. Han asked me with wide shocked eyes.

"Because he doesn't care about his children or his wife. He just thinks of us as useless people that are living under his roof and taking up space." I told her as I rolled my eyes.

Before anyone else could say anything I looked down at my phone to look at the time. After doing so, I stood up mentioning that it was time for me to start heading home. As I said that Jisung stood up after me saying that he would walk me home. We both walked to the front door after I thanked Mrs. Han for the wonderful dinner and put our shoes on to leave.

As me and Jisung were walking home in silence I couldn't help but want to hold onto his hand. So with that thought in my mind I reached my hand over and grabbed onto his. Jisung quickly looked down at our now linked hands startled before he began to blush slightly. We kept walking for a little while longer before he stopped walking and turned to look at me. I looked over at him with a confused expression on my face.

"What's wrong Jisung?" I asked him in confusion.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know that my father was going to ask you something like that. If I had known beforehand I would have given you a heads up." Jisung said to me as he tightened his grip on my hand protectively.

"You don't need to apologize to me. It wasn't that important. Besides, if I can get the word around the world about how much of a bastard of a 'father' is, then I will." I told him as I leaned down and lightly kissed him on the lips before beginning to walk once again.

"A-are you sure that it's okay? I mean, what he had asked you was so extremely not okay in the slightest." Jisung rambled on even more about what had happened during dinner at his house just a little while ago.

I stopped walking and turned back around to face Jisung, and before he could realize what it was that I was doing it was too late. Before Jisung could react I already had my lips pressed against his in a firm but loving kiss. As I was kissing Jisung, I felt him wrap his arms around my neck and tilt his head slightly, deepening the kiss some more. I let out a soft hum of approval as I continued to kiss him. After a little while longer of kissing I pulled away from him, smiled at him, and then continued our walk back to my house.

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