16 1 0

"Get up and out of bed you lazy children!!!" I heard Chan shout as I jolted awake from my peaceful sleep.

"Christopher Bang Chan! I swear to god if you do that again I will kill you in your sleep! So you better sleep with one eye open!!! You got that!?!?" I yelled as I sat up from my sleeping position and got up.

"Y-yes Minho. I understand." Chan stuttered out in fear and regret.

"Good to know that you understand." I said with a smirk on my face.

After that banter I got dressed and ready for the long day that is in front of me. Once I was done getting dressed I left the tent to go and see if Chan needed any help with making breakfast for everyone. After Chan told me that he didn't need any help, I walked away to find Jisung and Wolfie. After a few minutes of looking around I saw the two rolling around in the dirt and play fighting with each other.

'Awww~' I thought to myself as I walked up to them, and sat down.

"AHH!" Jisung screamed, making Wolfie's ears stick up in alert before going back down once he saw that it was just me.

"I didn't mean to scare you Sungie. I'm sorry." I said through my laughter.

"You're a meanie." Jisung said with a pout before turning his back on me.

"I didn't mean to Ji. Please don't be mad at me~" I whined in a cute tone of voice as I tugged on the back of his shirt.

He ignored me.

"Sungie~ I'll buy you cheesecake when we get home if you forgive me." I said, trying to bribe him into forgiving me.

"Sigh. Okay, I forgive you. Why did you come here in the first place?" He asked as he turned his body so that both him and Wolfie were facing me.

"I was bored, and you were gone when I woke up. So I decided to try and find you. Besides, I also wanted to hang out with Wolfie. What were the two of you doing out here all by yourselves?" I asked as I pet Wolfie behind his ears making his tail wag frantically.

"We were just chilling all by ourselves until you came along and gave me a heart attack." Jisung said casually.

"I thought we were over this. " I said with a sigh.

"Nope. Not until I get my cheesecake." He said stubbornly.

"Fine then." I said as I got up and started to walk away from him.

"Where are you going!" Jisung shouted.

"Away. You wanna pout and be mad at me. So I'm gonna leave you alone to pout and be mad." I said before I walked away, leaving him alone with Wolfie.

After a few minutes of walking around I found myself in the flower garden that I took Jisung. I sat down and closed my eyes as I thought of how today was going to be.

'Hmmmm. It will most likely be very chaotic.' I thought to myself as I layed down on my back staring up at the sky and clouds. 'Maybe it will be nice and relaxing. It could be a very bad day. I guess we won't know until the day is over and it is time to go to sleep at the end of the day.' I mumbled in my head like a creep.

{Some time later}

"Hyung, wake up." I heard someone whisper to me. I let out a groan of annoyance as I felt myself waking up from my peaceful slumber. I opened my eyes and saw that it was Jisung who was trying to wake me up.

"What's wrong Sungie?" I mumbled as I pulled him closer to me by his waist, and cuddled into his stomach. As I felt myself snuggling my head into his stomach I failed to notice the rest of our friends that were standing behind Jisung.

"You need to wake up hyung. We're going to go to the waterfall place that we had found the other day." He said softly as he pet my head.

"Awww!~ You two are so cute!" I heard a deep Australian voice say with excitement.

"Shhhh! Why did you have to be so loud? He didn't even know that we were standing here as well." I heard Changbin whine.

"You both are annoying as hell." I grumbled as I sat up and pulled Jisung up onto my lap.

"I guess soft hours are open." I heard Chan say quietly.

"Ugh, whatever. Let's go." I mumbled as I let Jisung get up from my lap as I stood up myself.

"Yay~ I can't wait to go swimming!" Jisung squealed in excitement as he jumped up and down.

"Alright you squirrel. Calm down." I said as I hugged his waist gently.

New chapter.

Hope that you all liked it.

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