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Everyone was piled up in the car. After Chan and I had finished rounding up all of our drunk friends, we somehow managed to get all of them piled up into the car so that I could take them all home. When I only had Chan and Innie in the back of the car I drove up to Chan's house and turned off the car before getting out and pulling I.N. out of the car and carefully taking him into the house and into Chan's bedroom, then I got Chan out of the car and struggled to get him into the house and into his bed. Once that was done I put his keys on his nightstand with a note telling him that I had found a ride home so that he didn't worry about me getting home safely or not.

{At home}

"Where the HELL have you been, young man!!!" my 'father' yelled at me the moment I walked through the front door.

"None of your business, that's where." I said before going up the stairs and heading to my bedroom so that I could shower, change, and then sleep.

As I was sitting in bed waiting for my hair to dry I opened my phone and went on Instagram. As I was scrolling through my main page and saw that Chan had posted 30 minutes ago.

'Huh... I didn't know that he woke up.' I thought to myself as I liked his post.

[Incoming call: Chan] Accept: {YES or NO}

"Hey Chan, what are you up to?" I asked once I answered his call.

"Not much. Did you get home okay?" He asked worriedly.

"I got home fine. Why are you awake? You were sleeping when I brought you into your house." I said quietly so that I didn't somehow wake up my parents.

"I woke up about half an hour ago. I saw you like my post so I wanted to see if you had gotten home in one piece." He said.

"Oh. Well I got home fine, thanks for being worried about me Chan hyung." I replied back before telling him that I was tired and am going to sleep.

After we said our goodnights to each other, and ended the phone call I put my phone on the charger and fell asleep.



"Uggghhhhhh!!! Mom!~ Why do I have to get up? It's Saturday!" I whined as I rolled over just as she pulled the curtains away from the window in my room.

"BeCaUsE~ You are going to the store to pick up groceries for me. Now get up and get dressed for the day." She said firmly before walking out of my bedroom.

'God I hate that woman sometimes.' I huffed to myself as I dragged my body out of bed and into my closet so that I could get dressed for the day.

[Outfit description: Black t-shirt, black ripped jeans, black combat boots, black hat, black socks, black bracelets, and pant chains. Soooo... black, black, and even more black T-T]

Once I was finished getting dressed I went downstairs and ate my breakfast. After eating my food I walked outside of my house, and started to walk to the grocery store to pick up the list of things that mom had given me, just as I was finishing up my food.


As I was about to walk into the store, I heard someone yell my name.

"Minho hyung!"

I turned around and saw that it was the one and only Han Jisung that had yelled my name.

"Hey Jisung! What are you doing here? I didn't peg you as the kind of guy to come to a grocery store at 6:43 in the morning." I said as he walked up to me.

'"Oh, I was just here to pick up something for Innie." Jisung replied back. "Why are YOU out of bed and at the grocery store at this time?"

"My mom made me get out of bed. She wanted me to get this list of stuff for her because she had to go to work." I said, answering his question.

"Well that makes sense. I know I haven't known you for long but I do know that you are most definitely NOT a morning person." Jisung said with a giggle before entering the store that we were still standing in front of.













Well...this was a nightmare to make. 

But I do hope that you like it! 


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