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After I had finished my shower, dried off, and put on some clean clothes, I walked out of my bathroom and into my bedroom. I threw my dirty clothes into my hamper and then sat down on the chain in front of my desk. I let out a sigh as I picked up my phone and saw that the time said '5:30 pm' on my screen. I turned off my phone and set it back down before drying off my hair until it was damp and throwing the towel in the hamper as well before I left my room and went downstairs.

Just as I was about to start walking down the stairs I heard people talking in the living room and realized that the people talking were my mom and also my friends. Oh great, they came earlier than they normally would any other day. I let out another sign and walked down the stairs and into the living room where everyone else was at. After I walked into the room I looked around to see who all was here already. I then realized that everyone was here except for Felix, Changbin, and Jisung.

"Where are the other three?" I asked, fully stepping into the room and sitting down on the couch by my mother.

"Oh, Changbin and Felix went over to Jisung's house to pick him up because 1. He doesn't know where you live and 2. He was nervous about coming over to your house for the first time since you two had met. They should be here in a few minutes so don't worry too much." Chan hyung said, answering my question.

"Okay, thanks hyung." I said.

It was indeed a few minutes later when I heard the doorbell going off indicating that the others had finally arrived here with Jisung. I got up from where I was sitting on the couch and walked over to open the door.

"Come on in guys. Welcome to my humble cave of torture." I said with a fake mocking tone.

"Uhm, are you sure that we are at the right house? Because I don't think that we know this strange person." Jisung said in a playfully worried tone before he busted out laughing when he saw my deadpan facial expression.

"Just get in the house you meanie. You're no fun at all." I said with a pout.

"I'm just joking with you, you know that right?" Jisung asked me before walking into the house like Changbin and Felix already did.

"Yeah I know, so don't worry. I was just messing around as well. Come on, everyone is in the living room. My mom really wants to meet you since I told her about you but refused to show her what you looked like." I said as I led him into the living room where everyone was already sitting around and talking to each other.

"Mom, this is Jisung. He is the person that I was telling you about a few hours ago. Jisung, this is my mother. The one I told you about just a few seconds ago at the front door." I said, quickly introducing them to each other before my mother takes him away from me for the next four hours.

"Oh my, you are as handsome as I imagined my dear! Come here and let me get a closer look at you!" My mother said as she was about to stand up and walk over to where me and Jisung were still standing.

"Oh no please sit! You don't need to walk over to me." Jisung said as he quickly walked over to where my mother was sitting on the couch and bowed.

Jisung sat down beside my mother and quickly started up a conversation with her about how her day was going. As the two of them were talking I took a seat next to Jisung and just listened to what they were talking about while also watching the others playing video games on the television. As all of this was going on around me I didn't seem to realize that I had completely zoned out and was left in my own world of random thoughts about life until I was brought out of it by Jisung waving his hand in front of my face.

"I'm sorry, what were you saying? I zoned out." I said sheepishly.

"It's okay. Your mom was just trying to get your attention. She wanted to know more about why you had decided to become friends with me." Jisung had explained so that I knew what was going on.

"Oh, well I just felt like it would be a good idea to get you to be our friend before anyone else got the chance to ask you." I said.

"Why though? What made you think that in the first place?" My mother asked me, trying to get more information about this topic.

"Because everyone else in our school sucks. They probably would have only wanted Jisung to be their friend so that they could go around and brag about it to everyone else." I said.

"How do you know that they would have done that?" Mother asked another question.

"It's what they did a few years ago whenever we had a new student arrive at our school. I just didn't want that to happen to Jisung as well. Besides, he adds a nice vibe to our group if add balls. It's nice. It makes me glad that I had decided to ask him to be our friend." I said before I looked at Jisung with a soft smile on my face.

"I like being your friend. When I first transferred to this school I was scared that I wouldn't be able to make any friends that would actually care about me and what I do. So thank you for asking me if I wanted to be your friend on my first day at this school." Jisung said.

"Well I'm glad that Minho here is treating you well dear. He doesn't really like getting along with a lot of other people. So it's nice to know that he had made the first move at becoming friends." My mother said to Jisung lightly.

. . .

{A few hours later}

"Changbin! Get off of that! You shouldn't be doing that. Do you have no manners at all?" I heard Felix yell out in shock and annoyance from downstairs.

I let out a sigh and left my bedroom to go and see what was going on. The second I got to the stairs to go downstairs I saw Changbin trying to crawl up the rail of the stairs and Felix beside him (on the stairs like a normal person) trying to get him off of it. I let out another sigh and glared down at Changbin.

"No Lix, he doesn't have any manners. Why are you still dating him again?" I asked, startling Felix as he jumped in surprise.

"I won't be if he keeps acting like this." Felix said with a huff making Changbin look up at his lover immediately.

"Don't say that chickpea. I know that you don't really mean that. Right?" Chanbin said as he quickly got off of the hand rail and looked at Lix with wide eyes.

"Maybe I do mean it. Maybe I don't. Keep acting like this and I guess you'll find out if I actually mean it or not. Would you like to find out?" Felix said with an annoyed look on his face. You could clearly see that he was not in a good mood today.

"I'm sorry. Please don't be mad, okay? You know that I don't like seeing you upset about anything. Please?" Changbin said as he pulled Felix into a tight hug.

"Okay, but can you please behave and act like a decent human being for today?" Felix said as he hugged Changbin back.

"Okay. I love you Lix." Changbin said back.

"I love you too goofball." Felix replied.

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