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The next day I was walking in the school hallways waiting for the first bell to ring indicating that the students can start heading to class. As I was looking around for my friends I saw my teacher walking into his classroom. I smirked, and then called out to him, gaining his attention.

"Hey teacher! What did my parents tell you after you had called them about me 'cheating' on my homework?" I called out with the smirk still on my face. The teacher just grumbled something that I couldn't hear and went back to doing whatever it was that he was working on. "I'm gonna take it as you were wrong. You know what this means don't you? You have to apologize to me in front of the whole school during lunch!" I yelled out to him mockingly.

"I will do no such thing! I am the adult here, and you are a student." He said as his face started to turn red from embarrassment and anger.

"Well then, I guess I'll be making a stop at the principal's office this afternoon to talk about your behavior towards one of your students. You don't want that do you? You know the deal. You even agreed to it." I said as I shrugged my shoulders before pulling out my phone to text my friends.

"FiNe! I'll do it! Happy now?" He asked with a bunch of sass in his tone.

"Sassy much? Get rid of the attitude and then I'll answer you with a proper answer." I said as I'm now starting to get annoyed.

.   .   .

And that's how we got into the situation we are in right this moment. The teacher got up on the middle cafeteria table and started to apologize to me for calling me a cheater the other day. I pulled out my phone and started to record the teacher.

"Lee Minho! I am so extremely sorry for calling you a cheater yesterday during your lunch break! I will no longer just assume that you had your friends do your homework for you! An incident like this shall never happen again! I promise." The teacher said but mumbled the last two words even though I heard perfectly fine, but I decided to get on the teachers nerves.

"What was the last thing you said? I couldn't hear you." I said with a smirk on my face.

"I said, I PROMISE!!!" He said to me angrily.

"Okay. Apology accepted." I said with a satisfied smirk on my face before touring around to sit down at my normal lunch spot and start eating my lunch like nothing had happened just a few seconds ago.

The teacher walked out of the cafeteria with a bright red face. As I was eating my lunch my friends came up to the table and sat down to eat their lunch as well. We just ate in a comfortable silence until Hyunjin decided to open his loud mouth and ruin the peaceful atmosphere that we were in.

"Hye guys, where is Seungmin?" He asked.

"Why? Do you have a crush?" Felix asked with a smirk plastered on his freckled face.

"No. I-I was just asking since he never misses lunch." Hyunjin stuttered.

"Sure~ I'll believe you. THIS time." Felix said sarcastically.

"Whatever." He said going back to eating his lunch in silence.

As we were eating lunch Seungmin suddenly sat down at the table and started to unpack his lunch so that he could eat it. When I looked at where Hyunjin was sitting I saw him looking at Seungmin with goo goo heart eyes making a small smirk appear on my face subconsciously.
Should I continue this? Let me (Lee) know.

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